Etsy decided to deactivate 3 listing from my shop. The fisrt one I can understand becuase it was a batman little girls dress/costume but now they have deactivated 1 listing almost everyday for no reasosn, at least that I can see. They just deactivated alisting that has no brand name which is a crochet or knitted little cape with hat.
I need to contact them but by email they respond with an automated email that says the same thing all the time.
I searched for a a phone number but can't find one.
Does anyone here know a number to call Etsy?
I have gone and took off any brand names from my listings and deactivated some listings that has a visible name on the item. I though if something is vintage that we could sell!
Thanks to all
Did the cape have ties? It may have been caught up in the new legislation about drawstrings on items for kids. There are loads of threads about this here in the forums.
There is no phone number to call etsy. You have to open a support ticket. Sometimes live chat is available or you can request a callback.
@shopevintagewithme: It is hard to speculate on why a particular listing was deactivated, but Etsy is cracking down on what they feel inappropriate. Copyright and trademark infringements is a large factor, but it also seems that the bots are looking for trigger words with no consideration for context. The classic example that may or may not apply to you, if you say an item is ivory colored the listing may get flagged because ivory is not allowed to be sold on Etsy. Since Etsy is now also factoring descriptions in search, they along with titles, tags, and materials (and possibly even alt tags if you are using them) are all probably being checked. And the bots are also "reading" images. Hopefully you have / will receive an eMail from Etsy explaining the reason.
You can request a call from Etsy Support : or go to Shop Manager > Community & Help > Contact Us. That will open the page to start a support ticket.
For call backs on the weekdays you can go through Shop Manager>Community & Help>Contact Us>Selling on Etsy>(select appropriate dropdown)> I Still Need Help>... Call backs are 7a.m. to 9pm eastern time. You can do the same process for Chat Support.
Oh my God!
This is will take time to correct and verify that all the listing are Ok with Etsy's new rules
I want to thank you all for responding and explaning why this is happening. I thought of closing down because it was 3 items one right after the other.
I really aprreciate your help. I will contact Etsy , at tis point I want to speak to them.
Thanks Again
I also have two items (so far) deactivated by Etsy due to Warner Brothers citing copyright infringement-this week. The first item was a VINTAGE pre-owned wrestling action figure toy set (not a clue what this has to do with Warner Brothers) and just recently a VINTAGE preowned Batman toy. I have others in my shop but for some reason, only the one was flagged. This is all just super frustrating and such a waste of time to try to resolve. My income selling here on Etsy is basically just extra income. I don't have the resources to try to fight. What really irks me especially is that there is no explanation as to what term or keyword set the process in motion (so I can try to avoid it in the future) not to mention the fact that there should be some kind an appeal process... At the very least, a follow-up or response from the seller where we can state that the item is either vintage or in the case of the original poster of this issue... handmade items using their own bought and paid-for material. It's just a stupid system and as with a lot of the crap Etsy does, you get the feeling they just don't care.
@SummerVonVintage: If it is only a copyright infringement, then you should read for how to respond.