Refunds Not Working

Is anyone else having issues processing refunds? Tried doing two today and when I submit it, it just hangs up. It's been like this for hours.

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Re: Refunds Not Working

There is a delay on the seller side (the screen blanks out) but the refunds are taking place, at least partial refunds. Have you gone back to check the order to see if the refund is noted? I just did a partial refund and then I got the blank screen, but when I go back to the order, it says it's partially refunded. 

It's been going on for at least two weeks or so. One seller ended up doing a refund, not seeing anything and did it three times total, I think he said 3, and accidently refunded the customer 3 times, so check the order, check your payment account, etc., before you do it again.

Edited to add: I can't find the first forum posting with the person that did the refund 3 times to check if it was partial or full, but here is another thread:         

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Re: Refunds Not Working

I have checked and they are not going through. 

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Re: Refunds Not Working

@RadiantJewelStudio  Hi, About a week ago, I started a Thread about this (something which happened for the first time). It's continuing to happen, but it doesn't stop me from issuing the Refund (Partial Ship. Refund). When I get to the "Preview Refund" part, the screen gets hung up and goes white. I hit Refresh (F5), and the Refund did go thru. The Invoice comes up with the refunded amount. I use the same desktop computer, Chrome, Windows 10. As I said, it doesn't prevent me from issuing the Partial Ship. Refund.

Hope this helps in some way.

ETA: Are you by chance, using the App? If so, switch to a browser.

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Re: Refunds Not Working

I have tried several different browsers on my Mac and nothing will go through. The buyers used Klarna so I don't know if that has anything to do with it but, I have put in three requests to Etsy for a call back and they are not responding to me so I'm not sure what to do at this point.

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