I have a previous chat that didn't close and now I can't start a new one Both chats are for technical issues and now my chat is a technical issue.
Please help
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It took me a long time a few days ago to close out chat. I finally found a down arrow that closed it.
Same here my chat from yesterday wont "End" its closes, but when I go to start anew chat the old correspondence is still there.
Same problem here. I need to access Etsy live chat and cannot on desk top or app. A long long repeat thread for feedback and l have no arrow to get rid of this long long thread to access chat. Any help out their please?
Someone in another thread said that is how it is supposed to work now--sort of like messanger. you just start typing a new message so eventually I guess you get a long string of "chats". I really am no help as I have only used it once and they were pf no help--it fact everything was so stilted I am pretty sure I was talking to a bot!
Just thought I would mention that tho as I did se it posted a few days back.
I don't think that's accurate. It looks like a glitch. Still no update on this.
Why is it so hard for Etsy to help us
I hit the down arrow and it closes it but nothing changes when I ask for live chat again or try to engage. NADA happens
there is no down arrow
The previous chat stays there and not sure if it's a bug or not, but I typed in phrases like "customer service" "help" or "speak to an agent" and I was able to restart that chat prompts and speak to someone again for a new issue.
That didn't work for me. Still had me in a chat from 2 days ago the agent didn't close
I just had the same issue. Even Etsy support tried to tell me I didn't understand that the old convos stay there now and i had to say I'm not STUPID-I understand how the new system works and the previous rep did NOT close the chat. After the rep again tried to tell me what I was not understanding here I finally had to say "look-you can see the 150 times I typed HELP in the last 4 days after the last rep. I tell you what-why don't' I type HELP again for the 151st time and you can wait on the phone until someone answers ok? I hope you have 3 days free to wait...." The support rep closed out the chat manually right then. NOW it's working. Request phone help and do NOT accept no for an answer. And no-the down arrow just hides the chat box-it doesn't FIX anything.
@QuirkyAntiquesStore How did you get a call?? How can we get on a phone call with Etsy? I thought they took that whold option away
@Gemologies call backs are only available for some issues at some times, depending on staffing levels.
@Gemologies Someone posted a few links to the phone number on another thread. Now to ME the links kept telling me they were broken, moved or uh oh-something went wrong. Out of frustration I kept hitting submit despite the error messages and managed to get 3 call backs...one of the links was this one.
They do that on purpose if they feel "offended" just so u know.
well thats just you and your thinking
Still has me in a chat from 2 days ago the agent didn't close. I've tried everything listed above and nothing works. I even emailed support and no responses
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