This isn't a technical issue it is intentionally predatory behavior by Etsy.
If the buyer didn't pay for priority shipping DO NOT assign it as the default shipping label box, just because you want to fleece more money out of sellers.
The item is shipping AHEAD of time.
No one requested priority BUT that was the default postage.
Etsy switching the chosen postage with a higher cost postage so they can collect higher fees on shipping is absolutely predatory. They are taking advantage of sellers like me who buy multiple labels at a time and might not catch it at first. How many extra fees have you snuck from sellers who were in a hurry?
Where do you think the funds for that postage difference come from? You get a small boost in your shipping fee but that is 1-2 bucks out of the pocket of the makers.
If your completely inaccurate shipping estimates are to blame than fix them. You had a better estimate system ages ago and have switched it to tripe. I have gotten messages from customers the day after they buy an item wondering where the tracking link is because your messed up algorithm told them it would arrive the next day. I have a 3-5 day making window before and item ships so you shouldn't suggest anything arriving before that 3 day window PLUS the travel time of the USPS first class or ground advantage mail to them. You used to at least show that time frame but now they can't find that info anywhere.
If you stopped doing shady things it would greatly improve your public appearance.
I know all of that and I know how shipping works.
The problem is Etsy NEVER updated calculated shipping to Ground Advantage.
1st class package is for packages which is what I was referring to when I said you had only 1st class and PM options on the cart page.
1st class package is the option on the shipping classes NOT 1st class letter/flats.
Weight DOES matter if you only have 1st class package selected along with Priority.
Since Etsy NEVER updated to Ground Advantage, 1st class package weights ONLY go up to 15.9 oz if you have commercial rates enabled.
So anytime you get an order that goes OVER 15.9 oz and you only have 1st class package and Priority as options then it's going to show ONLY Priority, when you print postage.
It will not show Ground Advantage when you go print a label if the order weight is over 15.9 oz (because FC package is only up to 15.9 oz and that is IF you have "commercial / Etsy's rates enabled. IF you have "retail" rates enabled then any item/order over 13 oz will show up Priority.
You also need to select Parcel Select under "advanced shipping services to get Ground Advantage to work correctly on Etsy.
@RavenKingCrafts -- "They are taking advantage of sellers like me who buy multiple labels at a time and might not catch it at first."
How exactly is THIS ^^^ Etsy's fault? If you are always in a hurry, then maybe this is a good wakeup call to S-L-O-W down and be more cognizant of the situation at hand? I can't say for sure why it happens (PM label "recommended" but not required!) ... perhaps it is the seller's shipping settings (not set correctly for GA) or perhaps it is the "timing" of the actual shipping (early vs later). Just like @hopeandjoystudios I use CS and do not have the PM Recommended label issue ... Etsy always shows me the correct label to purchase based upon what my buyer chose at checkout ... but I ALWAYS check before purchasing anything just to be sure. Sorry this is happening so often to you @RavenKingCrafts and other sellers!
Intentionally upgrading a service from what a customer selected is switch and bait fraud. That was the point. I'm updating the original post since people don't seem to understand how that is illegal and consumer fraud.
Yes, we should slow down but when a customer paid for ground advantage there is no reason for it some of the time to be priority by default. This is like Amazon getting in trouble with the FTC for tricking customers into buying their Prime subscription. Those customers didn't select to add the service it just appeared in the check out window and they didn't notice it with everything else going on.
My original post was the call it out as fraud and make people aware. That gives etsy's team a chance to fix it and sellers a heads up to double check.
Another factor may be if you have "retail rates" shipping selected. Check your Rates and Upgrades tab in your shipping settings.
"Etsy Shipping Labels support First Class Package Service up to 16 oz, while retail rates only support it up to 13 oz."
There are many ways etsy could improve the shipping experience. I use packing slips to pack to specifically catch things like what the customer chose for shipping service. Etsy adds all that stuff at page bottom yet don't show the SKU/ inventory number you assigned which is ridiculous. I have to put identifiers at title end if it is not ooak to keep from pulling the wrong thing. Yes the service they chose should be FIRST choice on the label page. But apparently, work harder not smarter.
@hopeandjoystudios That is a very good point! I see the SKU numbers on the orders page and they come through on my phone too. But if I print the packing list off there isn't a SKU number. That means I have to use my phone to do that and that is a pain in the ____.
@hopeandjoystudios -- "...yet don't show the SKU/ inventory number you assigned which is ridiculous."
Have you set your "shipping label preferences" to print the order details when you download/print your labels? I don't know if the SKU is added there as part of the details, but if so, it might help you with packing!
Settings > Shipping Settings > Shipping Label Options (last tab) > Order details (halfway down the page on right hand side where it shows "downloading labels", just under that, there is a box to check). See below ...
I don't use Etsy labels
I have this happen frequently and is frustrating to accidentally upgrade shipping because it defaults to Priority. The pattern I have found this typically happens when shipping is less than $2 difference between Ground and Priority. I believe it is part of Etsy’s trying to shorten delivery times. For my shop I don’t think it is related to how quickly I ship, more of a price of upgrading is small. Sometimes I choose to upgrade due to box being free or side of box being a better fit for the item than what I have on hand. But default to more expensive shipping can add up over time and takes away more money from our pockets. These days every penny counts. I try to double check each order but sometimes they slip through and the customer gets an upgrade at my expense.
Yeah this exactly the issue I was talking about. I hopped over to pirate ship but maybe I should review if I have enough volume to get a partnership with usps myself like @BluSkyDreams does.
I think what a lot of people don't get is that etsy does make money off the labels. It is a usps partnership program (same as shippo and pirate ship) and the pricing is the same. So since those 2 companies are doing well with no other services that means the amount brought in by the partnership by just selling labels. Shippo makes $6.5million a year for example.
Anyway very shady thing for them to do.
I have a commercial account under USPS and I only ship Priority Mail since Ground Advtg is not reliable for time or delivery. Under the commercial account I have Discounted USPS Priority Mail Rates.
@vintageNCtreasures I can't tell what you are so upset about. I can only assume sharing the USPS shipping rates was offensive to you for some reason so I apologize.
This post is about how Etsy knows the correct amount and charges the customer for that amount (first class, ground advantage whatever they choose) but then at label purchase switches it to priority. That is why it is switch and bait.
That would be like adding a Big Mac meal with size small fries and drink to your cart in your Mc Donalds app but at check out it upgraded it to a Big Mac meal with large fries and a large drink. It is fraud, it knows you orderd the cheaper option and swaps it at the checkout window hoping you won't notice. Sure it might only be a couple bucks more and most customers will not even notice BUT it adds up.
Etsy could be doing this to reduce their average delivery time, but they for sure make money off their label partnership. PirateShip and Shippo make enough off their partnerships with USPS to be successfull businesses offering no other service. Etsy has the exact same pricing and uses the same partnership. So they do make money off the labels you buy, so there is additional motivation for fraud.
That was the point of the post. I'm sorry if your feelings were hurt, like I said when you mentioned the 1lb automatically being priority I assumed you didn't realize that was no longer the case.
Anyway I moved to pirate ship so this is no longer my issue but it I felt it was important enough to come back and address confusion so others are aware.
Alright I can't edit the original post to make it easier for people to understand so here is a summary post.
Etsy is occasionally switching the default shipping label option to priority on some orders that were not required to be priority and were not requested to be priority.
Etsy knows the correct postage class because that is what they charged the customer, but when you go to check out they switch it priority hoping you don't notice.
An example of switch and bait fraud would be this:
You add a Big Mac meal with size small fries and drink to your cart in your Mc Donalds app, but at check out it upgraded it to a Big Mac meal with large fries and drink without you doing anything. You don't catch it and then are surprised you get handed a Big Mac meal with large fries and a drink, you check your order and see that is what is on the app so you assume it was your mistake.
That is a form of fraud according to the FTC. You selected one service or good and got upgraded without your knowledge. Only on Etsy it is easier because you can see how much the label was that the customer paid for.
From this forum discussion:
(Etsy get their labels through the same USPS partnership as shippo and pirateship who both make profits off that partnership)
They frequently provide delivery dates that are as soon as next day. Which is impossible as my making time is 3-5 business days. I'm not sure if etsy is aware but knowing that an item can't be delivered by the date they are promising is fraud. They used to give out an accurate shipping time but I think those posting that Etsy is trying to compete with Amazon are correct. Traditional shipping formulas look like this: "processing time minimum" + "delivery service minimum" + "holidays" = Minimum and maximum being "processing time maximum" + "delivery service maximum" + "holidays"
It just happened to me. I didn't notice until the label was printing. Yes, it is my fault I didn't look close enough, but it was never an issue before.