I see other sellers are missing photos. Mine are there but all very distorted and weird looking. Anyone else with that problem?
Same here plus I've never noticed this before but second image is now saying no video made for this item request one. Did I miss a step on how listings are displayed.
@TinyTurtleGiftsuk - There was a thread started yesterday that was probably moved/blended with a larger thread in the Managing your Shop forum on the second photo slot suddenly saying "no video request one".
No you didn't miss anything & it may well be a test. I had checked for the OP who'd started the thread here yesterday & I never saw this "notice" whether signed in or incognito. So my account for the moment not included in what may be a test.
My photos are stretched too and they look so bad and spammy. I hope Etsy will rectify it ASAP and bring it to normal, I am really not in the mood to resize or re-upload the pictures as what I had to do last time with their tinkering in thumbnails turning from rectangle to square (in which the bug still persist).
Same issue
My photos are distorted too, but not all of them.
I'm having the same issue.
Mine too! Photos are all distorted! Looks terrible!! I have an email from Etsy that the issue is resolved but it is NOT!!
most of my photos are stretched out and look Bad!
Mine too, just learned about the issue from FB posts...
My photos are still all distorted too! I have been waiting for the fix that was announced in the "incident" e-mail, but everything is still stretched out!
Yep! Came here for this!
I'm still having the same problem with all my pictures that are not square. It is elongating them.
Mine too, please fix this Etsy asap, I take pride in my photography & it looks crappy today
Glad to see Etsy acknowledgement of this ongoing problem, hope we all get a quick resolution.
I might be wrong but this looks like PC users might be affected more as opposed to handheld users. My thumbnails are messed up on my PC (which is my workhorse), but look fine on iPhone/iPad.
I see on my android phone all the photos look weird
Photos are still distorted here too!
Was planning on adding some new listings/renewing some expired today. But why would I now? Spend more money to have awful looking listings? These poorly decided changes & glitches are not only costing sellers money but they are losing money for Etsy as well.
Mine too! What is it?
@OminousMoonCreations Mine are distorted on my iPad - not just my desktop.
The strangest thing just happened: I used the new listing form to adjust the thumbnail of one of my listings, and after I published it ALL the thumbnails in my shop appear stretched! This is occurring on Chrome and Firefox, but not Safari. What the heck?
This is a widespread problem unfortunately and etsy is looking into it
it's the same in my shop.
All thumbnails look like yours.
What has happened?
It seems to be widespread issue. I guess it was just a weird coincidence that I didn't notice until I edited a photo and went to view the change on my shop. Hopefully they'll get it sorted quickly!
Yes, it is. After Signing In a short while ago, I found this Thread. And I see what everyone else is saying.