I see other sellers are missing photos. Mine are there but all very distorted and weird looking. Anyone else with that problem?
I don't know if they are working on it; however, I'm just curious, did you sign up for a new marketing promotion yesterday? I did and I didn't know if that affected anything.
My images were fine as of last night. I see that it's a problem on Etsy's end. Hope they can get it fixed quickly because I need to list more things and I want to know that the images are reasonably decent before I start doing anything that might possibly draw traffic to my shop!
So often they are messing with things that actually work instead of addressing the real issues. It is so frustrating. Imaging coming to an Etsy shop for the first time and seeing photos like that.
Yes!! I signed up yesterday for the new promotion..... buy more than 1 item and get 20% off. Then under each photo it had a message stating the possibility of getting it for 20% off. I did this for 2 of my shops and just took down the promotion because i thought it might be the reason the photos became distorted. Everything looks horrible.
@Beauty4AshesArt - I listed 4 items yesterday using the new listing form, so I assumed it was a problem with the listing form (though that didn't entirely make sense to me).
My photos are all distorted too! The incident e-mail says that the issue has been resolved, but it hasn't for my shop!
my shop either .. I tried putting a photo on the actual crop, square.. and it made it return to normal. but as soon as they change it again.. it'll be distorted once again. goodness!
Yes, this is happening to my shop too!
It's happened by my shop too!
Mine is the same as yours @BiBisLilypad - I don't have any missing as others seem to but the thumbnails are really stretched vertically, when I click into the listings they appear fine however. They also seem to work fine on my phone which uses IOS. I seen a thread from around 3 hours ago saying the same. Hopefully it is resolved for us all soon
Some of my Thumbnails are distorted I received incident reports earlier this morning. The third email said it was resolved. It isn't
This incident has been resolved. If you are still experiencing an issue, please let us know in our Etsy Forums (https://community.etsy.com/t5/Technical-Issues/bd-p/bugs).
Current situation-Chrome browser some thumbnails in my shop look distorted not all. Safari Browser same issue on mac desktop and ipad seller app still same items distorted. Iphone Etsy seller app won't even load the View shop on Etsy.
@sweetpeasartstudio2 - Chrome here too. Not all of my thumbnails are distorted and some are REALLY bad while others appear to be only slightly distorted.
Mine still look distorted as of right now.
Oh all our shop Listings photos are distorted - Scrunched up & Fuzzy Looking as well. This Looks Horrible Presentation our items! Hopefully this Gets Resolved Soon. What Changed Now for This to Happen?
Yes, mine are distorted too. Started half an hour ago.
Between this and Ground Shipping thing that we had to figure out in Forum together, I am starting to lose faith in one of the biggest reasons I stay with Etsy, RELIABLE network and not wanting my customers to have to deal with site outages, tech issues. What gives? With the amount of outages and time lost in the last 5 days, it's time for compensation in the form of waived monthly $10 fees.
logged out, logged back in, still distorted 10: 23 am Central time
are we all paying monthly fees now?!
I don't pay a $10 monthly fee. But I'd happily allow Etsy to waive a month's worth of my fees!
Still unresolved!!!!!!!!! My shop looks a mess!!
Sorry to say but I’m glad to hear this as I thought it was me! I’ve been having injections in my eyes because of a macular problem that makes things distorted and I thought it was back! Hopefully Etsy will sort it soon.
Oh, jeez. I actually laughed when I saw mine. If we are asked to re take all the pictures....no
I have my images on my laptop, thank goodness!
etsy sent an email saying this photo distortion bug or issue is resolved but on my screen it is not, some of my photos look distorted and the colouring to totally off..... I hope they fix it well soon