I see other sellers are missing photos. Mine are there but all very distorted and weird looking. Anyone else with that problem?
Same thing! I thought it was ME. I'm clicking on every possible settings link to see what I may have clicked on without realizing it.
Mine too! All of my circular tiles and coasters are now ovals! and squares are rectangular! Not acceptable!!!
OOFS..wth is going on in this place??? I mean seriously! There has been glitches on glitches on glitches lately.. WTAF??? My listings look like a Dahli painting...possibly El Greco..
OFFS.. although OOFS is fitting too.. very MidWestern..oof!
It seems like they were having another issue with listing photos earlier today and maybe the fix went sideways and made this happen?
Received message from Etsy saying it's been resolved. I'm stilling having an issue with my images being stretched.
Um no NOT resolved! (I know you know that)
A few of mine are too. Gotta run, but will look at my photo specs later to see if those ones are under 2000 pixels.
Same here... another thread has also posted re. this... hope it's a quick fix for the Etsy's developers...no one would purchase based on these!
@EagleBayHeirlooms - Thanks for sharing!!! Hope it's resolved soon!!!
Same here. All listing pictures are distorted!
Came here to say this. Whatever fix was implemented for the photo issues today is off. They need a fix for the fix.
Just noticed that our photos are stretched as well. Which is awesome because now our round stud earrings look like ovals.
Lots are stretched and distorted in my shop also the ones that look kinda okay have the color off.
Same ugh, I hope they fix this soon, they look awful!
What fresh hell is this? I woke up to it this morning, and of course, headed here to see if it was just me. Guess I was still half asleep and only two sips in on the coffee, because it's NEVER just me. Our photos are like a visual metaphor for the cheese sliding off the cracker around here.
you made me choke on my pb toast.. lol. Seriously laugh or cry!
same. Except the ones I've already cropped square.
Almost all of my photos are square to begin with, and even they are stretched. It makes no sense smh
Same with mine. NOT GOOD!!
Mine too! Thought it was my computer acting wonky. Hope Etsy fixes this!
Woke up with a fever the morning and I was sure that I was hallucinating this - both shops are totally borked
Yes, looks awful. Noticed it a while ago in my shop, thought it was just a glitch with my shop maybe. Checked a few more stores and it's everywhere. Guaranteed to put buyers off even more than they already are I guess.