Have had an issue uploading photos to the app for about a week now. Was working fine for years then just stopped working when trying to upload latest listing.
Have tried deleting the app and installed again but just the same problem.
Even if I try revise a active listing click on upload photos and nothing. Yet upload videos working!
Anybody else had similar problems or any advice how to solve this?
The app is temperamental at the best of times especially when it comes to images. Open the dashboard in your browser on your phone instead of the app and upload the images that way.
Yes, same here for 2 weeks now. I reported the glitch but it seems they haven't fixed it. Video upload is working...very frustrating
I have the exact same problem. Tried everything. Contacted support yesterday and they said they have flagged it. Still no luck. Videos working fine but images won’t upload on app or phone.
OMG. Yes, I have this problem also. I’ve been working on it for two weeks. I even bought a new iPhone 14 and new iPad. I’m guessing it might have to do with euth a firewall in my phone or the software, an iCloud issue or something in my settings. I can “create a new listing”, pick a category of item then it stops. I’m stuck on step 1 of 6. This problem has kept me from posting lots of items. Anyone have a solution or suggestions? Thanks! Nan