Personalization cut off on orders

I sell wedding items which are generally personalized with 2 names and a date.  Several of my recent orders have come thru with 1 name, nothing more.  I contact customer and they say they thought they added all the info, sometimes even that all the info is showing on their confirmation.  I cannot print without the full personalization as requested - is this a glitch on the Etsy side?

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Re: Personalization cut off on orders

I had one like that last week.  I just thought they must have made an error on putting the names in. But now I wonder if it was an etsy glitch.

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Re: Personalization cut off on orders


I had one last week too! Must have been a glitch since the only time I have ever seen that is when a purchase is made from an outdated app that doesn't support that personalize section.


And we all know how quickly buyers get back to us and guest purchasers are worse - maybe because it's harder for them? no idea but I get a lot of guest orders and dread it if I have to ask anything. If we are forced to ask them a question and then...crickets, we are stuck on holding. Annoying. Maybe Etsy should start making buyers respond in a timely manner. : ) Now THAT would be an improvement I would love.


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Conversation Maker

Re: Personalization cut off on orders

Yikes!!  That's a Terrible glitch for shops that personalize!  Hope it's fixed soon.  You're a thoughtful shop owner to inquire about it before proceeding.  Good on you!!
It seems Etsy would be responsible for any returns since it's their error, but if items are needed on a time crunch it could make for bad business, even though it's not your fault.  Again, I sincerely hope it's fixed right away.

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Re: Personalization cut off on orders

They only get 100 characters,  Are the names and date longer than 100 characters? 

If they make them separate lines then that uses up the characters available.  

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Re: Personalization cut off on orders

The character limit goes up to 1024. Sellers can set the limit at whatever they want up to 1024. So it could be the buyer went over the character limit & was typing & didn't notice it was cutting off. A return takes up 1 character.

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Re: Personalization cut off on orders

Unlikely.  I've had as little as 1 initial, on an order that required 2 initials and a date.  When I contact buyer, they say that they wrote in all of the information.


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Re: Personalization cut off on orders

I've gotten "Kyle" only and is was supposed to be "Kyle and Melissa September 9, 2022".

I had the customer contact Etsy with the issue to get a new lid covered/paid for due to the bug.

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Re: Personalization cut off on orders

I just had an order where the customer claims an apostrophe was there that shouldn’t be and that some text was missing. I could see text being deleted in a glitch, but a character being added? I don’t know! Another customer just claimed there should’ve been additional text and that she had added notes at checkout. Notes didn’t come through. Hard to know if these are glitches or customer errors. I periodically get customers that don’t list all of their text anyway.

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Re: Personalization cut off on orders

Yeah that sounds like an error on the buyer's end (an added character?  no way).   I would screenshot what they wrote and send that.  People definitely make mistakes!

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Re: Personalization cut off on orders

Just wondering. Could the apostrophe be a spellcheck issue?

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Re: Personalization cut off on orders


Same. I had one lady order (and she left a 1 star review) and all she included for the personalize was the word BLAKE

She didn't respond to my 3 message asking to confirm so I printed and sent exactly what she ordered. Her poor review showed a photo and said it was missing the grooms name. 

So I guess that along with being beta testers, tax authorities, IP lawyers, customs authorities, we are all just going to have to learn how to mind read.

*insert eye roll*

ETA: I did extend the processing time to give her time to answer but she never did. I never wrote her personally after that. No point.

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Re: Personalization cut off on orders

I've been seeing this quite often now. However, many people want one name on items too. So, I haven't been questioning it because it can generate bigger issues if orders get delayed while waiting for a response and then I have to overnight orders. It is a lose lose situation and a bug Etsy should fix.

I'm telling customers to contact Etsy if I'm contacted to re-make something. I am hoping Etsy is reimbursing them for the new lid/item. They should.

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Re: Personalization cut off on orders

@ReImagineBrewing  Do you know what your buyers see on their end? The OP said sometimes her customers see all of their text on the confirmation messages. My 2 customers didn't, they said text was missing & they knew they wrote it. Initially I just wondered if it was buyer error. It's not unusual for buyers to leave off text for my orders sometimes. If it was one of my wedding items, I would know it was wrong. But the 2 orders I've had thus far, there was no way for me to know that text was missing. I'm sitting on orders longer in hopes buyers will at least review their confirmation messages & catch missing text before I process. But many don't do that. But that is truly weird if customers are seeing text on confirmation messages that aren't reflected on orders.

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Re: Personalization cut off on orders

@CanningCrafts I can only trust what is in a receipt and with 1-3 days manufacturing time have to go by what comes in. I put a reminder to check the personalization in the receipt, but that is really all we can do. I send customers to talk with Etsy if something arrives as ordered, but is wrong in their opinion. My wedding items are used for baby gifts, graduation gifts, memorials etc. I have to use what is submitted and can't make any assumptions something different is desired. I wish I could. I can't wait either or the shop will be punished for late orders. This is Etsy's issue to fix.

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Personalization cut off on orders

We've been having the same exact issue for only one specific listing it seems. I just started a new thread about it, hope it gets fixed soon! 

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Re: Personalization cut off on orders

Had this happen to 3 customers in the past 3 weeks again. Is this ever going to get fixed? Is it their app? Do we know!? I just keep telling customers to contact Etsy and request a refund due to a technical issue. I put a reminder in the receipt to check the personalization, but we can't do much more than that and we have to make what is ordered or a case can be opened. This is now a 3 month issue...

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Re: Personalization cut off on orders

We have had the same issue for months. I have contacted Etsy several times and they have done nothing to fix the problem. Very frustrating.

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Personalization cut off on orders

Bumping, this is still an issue for us. 

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Personalization cut off on orders

Anybody ever hear any resolution on this issue?  This (personalization details cut-off) has happened a half dozen times in the last 60 days. Bump.

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Personalization cut off on orders

Still an issue for us too. Seems to happen due to an "&" sign. I sent Etsy support a detailed breakdown and example orders and got nowhere. I asked if they would be reimbursing us for extra costs incurred when we ship the wrong item because of Etsy's bug. Also got no response.  Very disappointing.

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Re: Personalization cut off on orders

I've had an instance of this recently and the customer just accepted they had made a mistake.  They may well have - but with this, I'm not so sure now

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Re: Personalization cut off on orders

I’ve been having this problem as well. I hope this gets resolved quickly! 

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