Other shop photos in my Listings

Hi. To my surprise I found someone else’s video in one of my listings - I did a double take lest  my eyes  were failing me. 
has any one experienced this? 
I already had a listing renew itself ( no it wasn’t automatic renewal) which I ignored as glitch  as well as the numerous glitches with listing  and orders not going through for days. But this mixing up is making me wonder what else Etsy ends up mixing up ? Our bank details, personal details etc? 

please do check your shop and listings I have now realized it is no longer like it used to be - list and assume it will be okay. 
they are messing with the site so much that it has become unstable and unreliable. 
I have yet to see a company who has regressed as technology actually moves forward. Etsy in 2018 is better than Etsy 2024! 
as my dad says : ‘even too much honey ends up tasting bitter’  why Etsy just can’t fix known issues and leave the site alone instead of none stop tinkering, I can’t understand. It is expensive and not necessarily.  Too much is no good and one should never change a winning horse….. this saying is there for a reason. But i suppose if you are in IT department, you need to keep your role by constantly changing the site….. 

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2 Replies

Re: Other shop photos in my Listings

This has happened before a few months back, here are some links to threads back then.



"they are messing with the site so much that it has become unstable and unreliable."

Exactly this it's caused by bugs in the programming which causes conflicts in the software and the servers can't cope, the site is glitching all over the place. To much to quick = Instability.

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Re: Other shop photos in my Listings

Thank you for sharing links , glad to know I am not alone …. 

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