Hello. I have two orders that I marked complete and then on the first one, ticked the "part of another shipment" box so there was no additional tracking. The other I ticked the "hand delivered/pick up" box, again, no tracking because, there is none.
Both of these now count against my star seller status. This must be corrected if the star seller program is to be taken seriously by sellers and customers.
@steeltoestudios: If combining multiple orders into a single shipment all one needs to do is enter the same completed / shipped date, shipping company, and tracking number on each order when marking it as complete.
If you have not yet done so, you might want to read https://help.etsy.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000338067-How-to-Offer-Local-Pickup-or-Delivery?segment=s... for Etsy's position on delivery or pickup orders and Star Seller.
Local delivery has never counted for star seller
If a second ordered item is included in one box, I'll use the same tracking number for each order.
I've stopped offering hand deliveries on Etsy as they are no longer supported. If one must be done because a purchase and a in-person delivery request was made on Etsy, I inform the buyer I'll do it once as a courtesy. But I let my buyer know future in-person orders must go directly through me because Etsy does not give this option. This has costed me the star periodically. But I believe giving good customer service is more important that the purple badge. I give a small discount for in-person direct deliveries. This has helped solve this particular Etsy problem for me and made my buyers happy.
Makes sense- I’ve been a star seller since they started the program and still am, I just find it wildly irritating that there are some arbitrary rules that don’t align with reality. Thanks for sharing your experience!
It's a bummer but it has always been like this and Etsy makes no exceptions.
How to Become a Star Seller – Etsy
@steeltoestudios: If combining multiple orders into a single shipment all one needs to do is enter the same completed / shipped date, shipping company, and tracking number on each order when marking it as complete.
If you have not yet done so, you might want to read https://help.etsy.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000338067-How-to-Offer-Local-Pickup-or-Delivery?segment=s... for Etsy's position on delivery or pickup orders and Star Seller.