Has something else changed on Etsy that is not allowing customers to see messages that we send them on personalized products they buy? So I'm guessing some customers may still have the old version of the app, the generic emails from Etsy are being ignored or something? We've noticed in the past few weeks that it is near to impossible to get customers to respond back after they place an order and request customization. We just canceled one order because they had an error in their text, but they were not confirming that the error was what they wanted. I really don't want to make something the customer will be disappointed with. We have another order that we sent art over to be approved, but we are not hearing back. So this has happened multiple times in the last few weeks.
Has anyone else noticed this?
Send them an email instead. Many buyers don't log back into Etsy to check messages.
Yeah, tried the email too. After we canceled the order, they reached back out to us. I'm guessing it is because Etsy sends them a message with nothing in it.
What we do:
Usually, stage 1 and 2 is enough. We've done stage 3 once or twice.
Yep, we went through all of those steps. I'm just used to any customers not responding, let alone there are starting to be more. Is it my imagination, or did Etsy used to send the full message through to them. Now they just get something that says they received a message, but they have to log in to Etsy to view it.
It's sad that email notifications from Etsy never include the message content anymore.
I understand WHY they changed it, because Etsy Sellers (usually new), were fooled by these notification emails, believing they were getting legit correspondance from Etsy.
The only plus is that I now delete all these notification emails, no point in keeping them.
I have had that happen too. Usually with guest buyers, but can usually get in touch through email.
We tried that. No reply until after we ended up having to cancel the order. We now have another order that we are waiting for a response on.
Have you Tried Rescheduling the Ship By Date? If you push it the full 3 weeks, then include a personalized message to the buyer about how you HAVE to postpone until you hear from them, give a deadline by which you will cancel if you don't hear from them....It USUALLY works, to get a reply from the buyer whem Etsy messages and direct emails have not gotten a response.
do not trust the old or new app for doing anything properly on etsy.
any messages should include a deadline for response. 48 hours or order cancelled and refunded (or similar).
Could none of this have been taken care of with a clearly defined personalization box on the listing?
One will think so. But even with a very clearly defined personalization box some customers DO NOT read and do not write what is required...
This has happened to me a few times recently. Gone through all the steps everyone else has suggested but as soon as I cancel the order, the customer messages asking why their order is cancelled 🤦