I have used it in the past, maybe a few months ago and had no problem with it. I prefer the old listing form and never have problems.
I was renewing sold out listings with new information and it I get to the end and always an error.
How can they possibly roll this out? Does Etsy not want us to sell things? We hardly can with a listing form that refuses to work
Yes, I checked everything.
Absolutely stunningly stupid and short sighted.
If there were ever a time to actually fill one of these Etsy feedback forms out.
With all seriousness, I'm dreading June 25.
The workaround (for some) - is to use the grey gear icon on the Sold Out thumbnail on the Listings Manager page to renew, then edit the info once it's Active. This works for me, but not others, apparently. Multiple posts that other Sellers have contacted support about this, and they are aware of the issue, and working on a fix.
Yes, I contacted support as well, if only to let another voice be heard about the new form. I do appreciate there are work arounds but honestly this should have all been worked out BEFORE it is being forced on us.
The problem with using the gear is that can trigger the auto renew from manual and I would rather not have to worry about that.
I always revert to the previous listing form because every time I try to use the new one, something bugs out.
I'm pretty much done with this platform anyway, so once it's forced, I'll simply not relist and leave. No hard feelings, either.
Despite my initial skepticism I find the new listing format easier to use and navigate. I used it on my desktop and chrome browser. I have done thousands of listings and can confirm it’s far simpler to use than the old one.
I am glad it is working for someone, but lots of voices on here that are having troubles. Its not isolated to me.
@Pyramidappareldesign I'm glad it's easier for you with thousands of POD listings that have parameters that are mostly similar. But in my world where almost every item and listing is completely different, it is definitely NOT "far simpler" or "more streamlined" and I'm tired of being told that it is as if my own experience counts for nothing.
So do I and I love it
I couldn't disagree more. it now takes twice the amount of time to do a single listing; and I also do 1000's of listings.
So its halved productivity.
but it might be easier.......
Chrome, firefox, edge.. absolutely nothing works.
Renewing a "Sold" Lising does not work for me at all
Renewing sold doesn't work for me either.
I've been using it for months without difficulty. I recently had an instance where I couldn't renew some listings, but I was able to do so after updating my shipping profile. It was due to the change to include 'Ground Advantage' in shipping, though: nothing to do with the form.
Unfortunately, I tried to renew a listing that only shipped via UPS and I still got the same error.
I've been going to Sold Out listings, click on Copy, and go from there...make changes as needed. However, I don't know if this will still work after June 25
You will still have this function (though it's called duplicate in the new version which took me forever to figure out) but if the old form is truly disabled, it's my understanding that you will by default see the new form without any options.
Unfortunately, the issues I've been able to recreate function on a copied listing too so it doesn't have to be from scratch.
If there were ever a time to actually fill one of these Etsy feedback forms out.
Correct me if I am wrong (because 99% of my lisings are OOAK) but I thought that the whole purpose of Renew / Sold was to relist the same item, which can be reproduced, and retain the"quality score" and other history of the Lising. The "workaround" of using "Copy / Dup;licate" creates a new Listing with no previous Sales History attached which is quite different to Renewing an old Sold Listing.
CarpetCollectionAU, I'm confused...what is the Sales History that you are speaking of? If I make a Copy of a Sold item, it still counts that original item as a sale...is that what you are talking about?
@SunriseMosaicsbyBeth You are correct.If you Copy a Listing, the original Sale counts. But the new listing has no previous Sales history.
We all know that Listings which have, say, 20 Sales are looked on more favourably by AI in Search than those with 0 Sales
If I have 20 itens and list with a quantity of 20, then, as each sells and is renewed, the "Sales" tally on the Listing increases accordingly ie: 1,2,3,4 etc
If I have 20 identical items, but list with a quanity of 1, then, when that sells I Renew / Sold. the Sales tally on the new Listing will progressively increase with each Sale. ie: 1,2,3,4 etc
But, if I Copy / Duplicate, the previous Sales History does not carry over to the New Listing shows 0
You can see this Sales Hisory on your Listings if you toggle to ON the STATS button at the top of he Listing Page
Its the Category section thats slowing me down now. Ive been griping all along about how the photos wont upload in the order Ive selected them. Which takes time to fix and time wasted makes a business doomed to fail.
But this Category selection is just done wrong. I cant pick the category I used previously on a vintage item listing and I cant drill down to get to the exact selection I want. Maybe Im doing it wrong, and I'm wasting time doing it.
You are right. The feature to manually drill down and select categories is missing in the new listing form. Here is another thread about it.
You need to start typing the name of the product in the category window and options pop up to choose from.