Anyone else having issues with the new listing tool? I am not able to renew sold out items now. I get an error message saying to contact etsy, which I have done about 4 times now. With the old listing tool gone, I cannot renew any of my sold out items unless I copy them and then delete the original ones. HELP PLEASE!
@badchihuahuadesigns To Renew a Sold Out Listing, have you tried:
- On the Sold Orders Page, select the gear icon to the Right of the photo OR
- On "Listings" Page, select the gear icon under the photo
I really hope one of these helps you. I've no experience with the New Listing Form (Shop on Vacation). But these are things others have reported having success with. If all else fails, I would list elsewhere, where the listing form actually lets you list.
The old form is still available while Etsy irons out the issues so use that instead.
@JJewellerySuppliesUK - I checked first thing this morning & the option to switch to the old form was there.
Now 11:15am EDT the option to use the old form is gone.
The OP is in the US (as am I) this might account for the difference?
My old one is gone!!!!!!!! Guess i have to contact ETSY again and waste more time. I couldnt list on new one this morning.
Yes I tried to list one today too. Had this problem right along, and always resorted to old one which worked. Now what do we do. Ive told ETSY twice now
My plan is to not renew. If Etsy doesn’t have time to fix this after all this time, I will spend my time on alternative venues.
@KathleenLeSueur That sounds like a good plan, I'm doing the same.
Yep, I'm doing the same. Not adding new items, not relisting. It's all moving to my website and I'll concentrate on that until Etsy sorts itself out. We shouldn't have to find 'workarounds' for things that should work.
@JJewellerySuppliesUK , Me too...
@badchihuahuadesigns: Have you tried renewing the listing directly from the Listings (Manager) page - using the drop down under the gear glyph - rather than "editing" them to renew? Make sure that you uncheck the 'auto renew' box at the bottom of the popup if you want to keep it on manual renew.
Looks like "Formageddon" just happened for me.
@badchihuahuadesigns To Renew a Sold Out Listing, have you tried:
- On the Sold Orders Page, select the gear icon to the Right of the photo OR
- On "Listings" Page, select the gear icon under the photo
I really hope one of these helps you. I've no experience with the New Listing Form (Shop on Vacation). But these are things others have reported having success with. If all else fails, I would list elsewhere, where the listing form actually lets you list.
This worked! Thank you so much. I cannot believe how many people are having trouble with the new listing tool. Etsy should not have removed the old tool until all the bugs were fixed.
Same issue happening here. There's not even a save as draft button. So frustrated after making all the edits and then hit renew... only to get the error. Etsy told me to try a new browser. I told Etsy cross browser testing is their job, not mine.
Well we find and report shops and listing that break the rules. So why not add another job?
Except on most listings the final "SUBMIT" button is missing (after complaining about this same issue over a month ago).
You should be able to do things from the listings page (NOT the listing form), choose "sold out", and then just click the little box and click renew. If you are trying to EDIT a sold out listing to then renew it, that is a different problem, but I have been working from the listings page all morning with no trouble.
If I try to do a listing from a sold item and edit it, it will let the photos load but will not publish. A yellow box pops up that says the listing can not be published, if this continues to happen contact Etsy support. Did that but no resoIution. I have to use my laptop to publish. The new form leaves a lot to be desired and isn't fully functional yet. Such a pain and Etsy has had months to get it right.
Tried to add new listing. No place to upload photos
When I want to renew with changes, I get the message "Hm, we’re having trouble saving your changes. Try again, and if this keeps happening contact Etsy Support.".
Same here. Try just clicking on the little wheel next to the listing and doing it this way.
Exactly the same message as you. Etsy have not been any real help. What should take 2-3 minutes is taking 2o to 30.
Same! I have had to copy the listing and cut and paste my changes to the copied listing in order to relist anything. What a waste of time.
When you open a sold listing, the quantity field is blank. It is a bug they are yet to fix.
If you enter a value into the quantity field first, then make any other changes, you seem to have a better chance of the renewal working without error.
Thank you I will try it but....It seems I can list 5 items before I get the maessage on the 6th item. But I will give it a try.
Thanks Chris