Need help correcting pricing errors in brand new shop

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Hello -- 

I set up my Etsy shop yesterday and copied products already in my Printify Pop-Up store over to my new Etsy shop.  However, I have a pricing issue that I need to resolve.  While the prices in my Printify store are in USD since I intend to use that store for potential customers in the US, I selected NIS (New Israeli Shekel) for my currency in Etsy since I plan to give potential customers here in Israel the link to my Etsy store (which I hope to connect to a local print and fulfillment shop so my Israeli customers don't have to pay enormous shipping costs or endure long delivery times from print providers outside of the country).  I also connected my Etsy shop to my bank here in Israel.  The problem is that the prices in my Etsy store are appearing incorrectly.  The numerical ratio of the pricing between the two stores is 1:1 (in other words, an item that's priced on the Printify store as $76 is appearing on the Etsy shop as 76 NIS).  The number transferred over, but the proper exchange rate did not.  How can I resolve this?  I would greatly appreciate any help on this.  Thanks!! 

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Re: Need help correcting pricing errors in brand new shop

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@PedalstrokePhotos There's a few easy ways to edit prices if you're using a computer browser to access the shop manager.

My preferred way is:

Go in to the Listings section.

In the top right hand corner under the quick edit button are two icons - one with four squares and one with three lines. Click on the one with three lines if it's not already active - this is the list view.

You will now see underlines under the stock, price and SKU. 

If you hover your mouse over the price a pencil icon appears. Click on the price and it will turn into a text box where you can type. 

Once you've adjusted the price, click elsewhere on the screen and the text box will disappear submitting the price change into the system.

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Re: Need help correcting pricing errors in brand new shop

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It can only sync the numbers it cannot do conversion.

The currency symbol on etsy is fixed, therefore printify can't change it.

You've 2 choices. Work out the exchange rate and input the NIS price you want in etsy.

Change your shop currency to list in US$. You will then pay 2.5% to convert it to NIS for etsy to pay you in.

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Re: Need help correcting pricing errors in brand new shop

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Thanks for your reply and help, CappuccinoLace.  I was thinking along those lines too -- trying to just change the prices to the proper number for the currency.  Since this is literally my second day on Etsy, I don't yet know how to do that.  Is it simple?  There must be a way for me to edit the prices easily, correct?  Thanks again!

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Re: Need help correcting pricing errors in brand new shop

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@PedalstrokePhotos: "If you’re using another currency in your store that is not USD, make sure to input a numeric value when setting the retail price of the product in Printify, as only numeric values are published to the sales channel (without conversion)."

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Re: Need help correcting pricing errors in brand new shop

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Hello BagmakerSupply -- Thanks for your reply and suggestion.  I do have my prices on Printify in USD already.  The problem is that on Etsy, I've set the currency to NIS, and when I copied the Printify products over to Etsy, the simple number of the price transferred, making $76 into NIS 76.  If there's a simple way to edit the prices in one's Etsy store, then I think that's what I need to do.  I'll just get the equivalent NIS price with an online conversion tool, and simply change the prices.  Thanks again for your kind interaction!  Much success to you... 

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Re: Need help correcting pricing errors in brand new shop

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click the listing while in shop manager - listings.

it will open to edit.


Bear in mind, printify might re-sync the printify prices, so you may end up having to do this all the time.

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Re: Need help correcting pricing errors in brand new shop

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@PedalstrokePhotos There's a few easy ways to edit prices if you're using a computer browser to access the shop manager.

My preferred way is:

Go in to the Listings section.

In the top right hand corner under the quick edit button are two icons - one with four squares and one with three lines. Click on the one with three lines if it's not already active - this is the list view.

You will now see underlines under the stock, price and SKU. 

If you hover your mouse over the price a pencil icon appears. Click on the price and it will turn into a text box where you can type. 

Once you've adjusted the price, click elsewhere on the screen and the text box will disappear submitting the price change into the system.

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Re: Need help correcting pricing errors in brand new shop

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PedalstrokePhotos because you are a new seller I want to warn you of the scams going around Etsy, 

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‎11-07-2023 07:31 PM
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Re: Need help correcting pricing errors in brand new shop

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Thanks Brad!  I appreciate your concern and advice.  I'll make a point to read the articles.

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Re: Need help correcting pricing errors in brand new shop

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Hola, soy de México y me paso exactamente lo mismo... Lo que tuve que hacer es ir a la tienda/fianzas/configuracion de los pagos/divisa . Ahí tuve que cambiar la divisa de mi tienda a USD para poder pasar los productos de Printify a ETSY sin cambio de Precios. Terminada la operación, cambie de nuevo la divisa y así pude resolverlo. Espero te sea de ayuda.

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Re: Need help correcting pricing errors in brand new shop

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@HouseHarmonyMexico: Two possible issues with your procedure. The pricing may change back the next time you sync Printify with Etsy. You would be better of just entering the price in your local currency in Printify.

The second issue is that changing currency seems to sometimes reset all Star Seller sales volume stats to zero, so a shop may appear to not have enough sales to meet the $300 minimum during the three month period even if they did (if both currencies were considered).

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