Hi, I need a team member to contact me via my shop message directly. Have a personal issue and need help! TY
You need to actually go through the etsy help section and either send them an email, request a call, or initiate a chat. These are just the public seller forums.
Start here, search your issue, and keep looking for the button that says, "Still need help? Contact support."
Hello need help here
It doesn't work that way. You need to contact them.
You need to actually go through the etsy help section and either send them an email, request a call, or initiate a chat. These are just the public seller forums.
Start here, search your issue, and keep looking for the button that says, "Still need help? Contact support."
If only it was that easy...
I'm so sorry but-- They. Won't. Do. That. Ever.
No help given here by Etsy! All contributors are other sellers and often give good advice, and are always willing to try and help.