I've been trying to get through to Etsty Support Chat for 20 hours thus far.
While the message where you click chat says that I ought to be connected to someone in chat in less than a minute, this is not true.
Can someone tell me if
I have a shipping issue - and I need to resolve before I can ship an item.
FYI, I tried posting a request for help to the Etsy Twitter [X] account, but no response yet.
Post your problem here. Other sellers may be able to help you.
Ask your question here. You're much more likely to get a correct response, and it will probably only take a few minutes.
I wonder if Etsy is ghosting shops selling trademark infringing items?
Licensed fabric is for personal use only, not for making items to sell. License does not transfer with purchase of fabric.
@DesignsbyChristine: You need to include your licensing information for any trademarked and copyrighted names and images in your shop in the actual listing, otherwise buyers (and Etsy) may conclude they are counterfeits. Even if the licensed fabric allows you to use it to make items for sale, that does not give you permission to use the trademark to merchandise your item.
Plus the way you word your titles is inviting the trademark owner to claim infringement and counterfeiting. For example, if you are selling phone cases which you make, calling it "iPhone Case" implies that it was made by Apple and therefore is either a counterfeit item or you are reselling. "My Case for iPhone" may be all right but Apple can still come after you for using their trademark without permission (if you do not have a license), particularly if you do not include all the disclaimers and attributions.
@LastCentury I am like 98% convinced that Etsy is ghosting sellers that have broken Etsy's selling rules, based on the numerous threads here in recent days from shops that are not getting help from Etsy and they are selling items that are not in line with Etsy's policies
Extend your shipping time if it's scheduled to go out soon.
And just ask here. Etsy help is an outsourced call center (not etsy employees) so they may not help. Other sellers usually can
Are they even active on twitter x anymore? Last I seen they wasn't, but I haven't looked in a while either.
Is chat available on a Sunday?
The webpage says 24/7 - and indicated that I ought to get a chat response within one minute
Cela fait un mois que j'essaie de contacter ETSY pour un problème technique important sur ma boutique , je n'ai toujours pas de réponse , ni d'aide , et mon problème persiste toujours !!!!!!!!!!
Un mois!!!!!!!!
Nous , vendeurs , si nous ne répondons pas aux messages de vos clients en 24h , on a une mauvaise note !!!!!!!!!!!
Ceci n'est pas très respectueux vis à vis de nous vendeurs , qui , ne l'oublions pas , les faisons vivre
@LIPIKIBIJOUX post your problem here so other sellers might be able to help you.
Je pense que c'est plutôt un problème technique et je ne vois pas comment mais ok , merci ...
J'ai 2 offres différentes en ce moment , dans ma boutique , avec 2 codes différents .
Une offre pour des frais de port offerts à partir d'un certain montant d'achats pour la France , et
Une offre pour des frais de port offert à partir d'un autre montant d'achats pour le reste des pays.
Ces 2 offres ne sont pas visibles sur ma boutique et de plus , j'ai pu constater qu'elles ne fonctionnaient pas .
Voila , merci ☺️
@LIPIKIBIJOUX Sale or coupon code? Coupon codes won't show in your shop.
I'm in the US and only seeing the "save 10% over $29.10" offer.
Oui , c'est ce que je disais plus haut , les promo de frais de livraison sont invisibles!
Code promo , car on ne peut pas ou plus faire ce genre de chose en Promo.
Jusqu'il y a un mois , j'y étais parvenue.
I saw someone begging for help on one of their IG posts yesterday. They told them to contact etsy support and they said they already had. Then other sellers chiming in their opinions of Etsy CS..it wasn't a good look.
I know that there are interface issues, especially with the new listing form - the new form won't let me create or save revisions of existing listings. Customer Service advised that I use the banner at the top to navigate back to the 'original' listing form. The original form is scheduled to disappear on June 25, fyi
20 hours!?!?! I got an answer (completely useless one at that) yesterday for request I opened at the beginning of April.
Ah OK , en France le diminutif est Insta
Je n'ai pas fait par IG , j'ai demandé de l'aide par le chat , par l'"aide" , et aussi sur Facebook , il y a 15 jours , mais toujours aucune réponse !