Hello, I sold 4 items, but my profile shows only 1 sold. How can I fix this? I'm waiting for your help. Thanks.
you have only sold one item on Etsy
Heres are some possible suggestions
You took the other three sales off Etsy
The payment for the outstanding orders hasn't yet. cleared ( still pending )
or the payment didn't process
someone contacted you saying they had placed an order, or pretended to be Etsy , then took you to a fake Etsy processing page ( this is a common scam here )
Check your finances section in your shop dashboard for a breakdown of all transaction costs
I've made 3 sales so far and it was visible on my profile. Afterwards, it started to appear as zero sales. But I can see the money in my payment list, meaning the sale has been made. I made a sale again today and it appears as 1 sale on my profile.
Did the same person buy the 4 listings that show in the one sale, if so that would be why, the 2 reviews seem very similar to me although from 2 buyers.
@OwlAlwaysKnit well done , I missed that one x
Hmm - Etsy can tell if you or someone from your own shop has made the purchase - this is called "shilling" and a good way to get your shop shut down -