I'm in the United States, my default language has always been English but all of a sudden it changed to German. Each page has a translate button ... usually. I tried to follow the instructions in help for selecting/changing a default language and they don't work. Some of the stuff isn't even there.
Anyone have any idea how to get back to English (w/o having to translate).
Did you check the bottom of any Etsy page to see if the country, language and currency are incorrect?
Just checked your shop and it's all in English
Did you check the bottom of any Etsy page to see if the country, language and currency are incorrect?
Ach du Lieber! Lol! - everything looks fine to me in your shop. Sometimes that button at the bottom can get clicked accidentally- as @TheVintagePineapple suggests.
The currency on the listing was showing as Euros
I checked my location. It shows Michigan (it used to be Milan, Michigan). But clearly still in the US.
I've been reading help desk articles. The first one referenced tabs that don't exist.
The last one described a very complex process for changing the default language, but clearly assumed that it was being changed to something other than the original default. It also said to change the settings in every listing first and then when ready.
So I checked a listing ... I can't find language as an option on a listing.
I tried to contact support ... they sent me a verification email to my phone ... it was in German. I couldn't figure out what to do. So I've reverted to emailing Etsy. I got a confirmation of my email ... in German.
Little did I know when I was taking German in high school how much I would need this 60 years later. Wish I'd paid more attention.
I do recognize the greetings in my shop ... Good evening :).
Thanks for letting me know that my shop looks normal to you guys.
Ok, try this - view any listing, mine, anyone's - and in the shipping part it should show the shipping price to your zip code. If it doesn't, click to change.
Usually that doesn't change your language though, but quick to check.
And your shop shows Milan, MI
@TheVintagePineapple Danke danke danke
On the bottom of the page it showed Germany and Euros ... I managed to change my region in my account settings (after being challenged with german recapchas).
Odd that none of the Etsy articles I read knew as much as @TheVintagePineapple
And I've learned something new ... I never noticed that little thing on the bottom before.
Thanks again.
@GlassyFields Prego!
Shop language and user/display language are 2 separate settings.
Sometimes the user language settings get changed by accident (a bug). It's important to check this setting first. The user language can be changed at the bottom/left of any shop page.
I'm glad you got it fixed.