Mistake on my Shipping Stats for Star Seller Badge

My shipping stats for the Star Seller ranking this month were incorrectly calculated. I shipped 100% of my packages on time and included tracking. My stats report says 91%. This is incorrect. Could someone please correct this? 

Update: I discovered the reason this happened. For order # 3420529152 I had entered an incorrect tracking # (off by 1 digit). I just went in and "added a package" to be able to enter the correct tracking #. (This is what I was told to do by Etsy Chat for a different package when this happened once before.) This second package I just added for this order shows an incorrect shipping date (tomorrow) because I entered it this evening, but the actual order was shipped on Sept. 23 (on time) and arrived on Sept 26. This can be verified by following the second tracking link. The order status changed from "In Transit" to "Delivered" when I made this correction. I can supply tracking info if necessary, but the new, correct info is available in my order history. 


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Re: Mistake on my Shipping Stats for Star Seller Badge

OK, I see what happened. For order # 3420529152 I had entered an incorrect tracking # (off by 1 digit). I just went in and "added a package" to be able to enter the correct tracking #. This second package shows an incorrect shipping date (tomorrow) because I entered it this evening, but the actual order was shipped on Sept. 23 (on time) and arrived on Sept 26. I can supply tracking info if necessary, but the new, correct info is available in my order history. 

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Re: Mistake on my Shipping Stats for Star Seller Badge

Information given about SS says ''Etsy Support has said they will Etsy Support can’t make changes to your Star Seller data or manually award Star Seller badges. If you think your Star Seller score was calculated incorrectly, you can let us know in the Technical Issues forum.''  

You reported it in the Tech forum, but we are sellers like yourself and cannot help you with the problem.  Even if a moderator sees your OP, I doubt they'd help anyway, since unfortunately, as you've found out, it was your mistake that caused the drop in the %.

Adding a second package with the correct tracking # may cause you another problem now since you don't have anything to mail.  It will show as ''not shipped''.

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Re: Mistake on my Shipping Stats for Star Seller Badge

It already shows, according to the new #, that it was delivered. The last time this happened I was instructed by Etsy Help to update the tracking in this manner

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Re: Mistake on my Shipping Stats for Star Seller Badge

@BerryPatchUSA: While not usually stated so explicitly, the Star Seller metric is shipping with VERIFIABLE tracking. From Etsy's rather binary viewpoint the package with incorrect tracking could not be verified as shipped. The 'added package' qualified as shipped with verifiable tracking but failed the second metric of being shipped on or before the scheduled ship by date. So you get dinged on that order either way.

Long before Star Seller was even thought of, we got into the habit of spending a few minutes daily checking the previous day's shipments to make sure that they were at least "in transit" so if something was wrong we could fix it within the 72 hour window we are allotted.

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Re: Mistake on my Shipping Stats for Star Seller Badge

Unfortunately, Etsy isn't going to adjust this for you.  Putting the tracking number incorrectly, or marking it shipped a day after you shipped it, are both considered your mistakes.  You have 3 days to correct the tracking number, and if you didn't do so within that time frame, it's uncorrectable.  If you added a 2nd shipping, that doesn't negate the first.  Etsy doesn't make exceptions for seller mistakes.  Etsy Chat cannot change your score, and will quickly pass you off because they cannot do a thing for you.  Even if you managed to work your way up the ladder, Etsy won't change your score.  

Sorry, I know that isn't what you want to hear.  

Is there a reason you aren't using an integrated service that enters the tracking number for you?  While it can occasionally glitch, for the most part it is the best way to prevent this from happening again.  

Best of luck.

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Re: Mistake on my Shipping Stats for Star Seller Badge

You have figured out this was an error made by you when inputting the tracking number. While it has now been corrected, if this correction was made after the ship-by date, then Etsy will not go back and retroactively fix it on their end. It doesn't matter when it actually shipped, it matters when you input the correct tracking number, and you can't put in a previous date. In this instance you are going to have to accept that you made a mistake, and it will count against you for all relative review periods. If you have enough sales over the next month or two, where all tracking is input correctly and timely, it's possible to overcome it. 

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Re: Mistake on my Shipping Stats for Star Seller Badge

Hi , I have the same problem with me- I had one item in September that was shipped one day late, but since that time, it's been 100%. ETSY's stats went down (!) to 91%.  

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Re: Mistake on my Shipping Stats for Star Seller Badge

If you download PREVIOUS review period csv's

you will see which ones etsy counted as for, and which against

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Re: Mistake on my Shipping Stats for Star Seller Badge

@SWB256TuningForks: Since the Star Seller period is only three months, that September shipment will stop being considered after the December 1st Star and badges are calculated.

Don't know how many shipments you have, but it takes 19 shipped on time with verifiable tracking orders to offset each shipped late order (to be at 95%)

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Re: Mistake on my Shipping Stats for Star Seller Badge

Thank you. Yes, I understand that now. But I thought it was odd (unfair?) that after a perfect record for a few years, I was penalized for 3 months- for one early September late reply.  But thanks again or the reply.

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Re: Mistake on my Shipping Stats for Star Seller Badge

It's an average that is recalculated every 3 months. Years of history outside of those 3 months are irrelevant to the SS program. It's fair because everyone is held to the same standard and the requirements are directly spelled out. Old shops don't get off the hook because they have a longer history, just like new shops don't get off the hook because they are still learning. 

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Re: Mistake on my Shipping Stats for Star Seller Badge

It is just like speeding.  You can have a perfect record for years but the first time you misjudge the timing or get caught in a traffic jam and go a little too fast in an attempt to make up time, you are pulled over for speeding and you get a ticket.  

If you are lucky you might get a friendly cop to cut you some slack, but Etsy uses the equivalent of speed cameras and it is fully automated.  The bots simply read the data and it is a yes/no equation.  It is unlikely to be fixed, it pays to double check data, especially if you have to manually enter it yourself.  That way you can fix errors before the ship date and won't be penalised for a typo.  

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