Missing video in listing if viewed as a buyer. Came from another browser - also there is no video in the listing
Maybe it was moved again and I can't find it?
In the Shop Manager there is a video in the listings, but buyers do not see it
It's working!
Possible more Etsy testing in the live environment and creating these anomalies
I'm tired of their testing and bugs
The chat did not have a button to connect with an agent and select a topic. Then, after 3 hours, the "connect with an agent" button appeared and after 4 attempts I was able
to contact him. Half a day gone...
@SelenaJewelryBijou It is not working. If you have featured listings it works. It doesn't work in the listing. So compare your featured listing to the listing and you will see the video does not work.
Thais has been an issue since lat week.
As far as problems and bugs and changes, though I get tired of them too, I just muscle through as best I can.
like everything is working. Selected random listings
My experience, I contacted cs about my missing videos. They had me clear my cookies and reboot my Mac. It worked so give it a try