
Hello I hope someone can advise. 

I have noticed on Etsy my shop are now showing listings in squares and have seen correspondence regarding this however the thumbnails when creating a listing are still in rectangles and the whole Etsy site as a customer searching is rectangles therefore very confused and how to upload a image accurately. 

If I use a square it will look good in my personal shop but not the search, customer homepage etc. If I use a rectangle it doesn't work well in my actual shop. Nothing seems uniform at all?

Thank you

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Betreff: Thumbnails?

this has been debated recently many times, many sellers (most?) are very unhappy and angry about this useless change of format. But, as usual, Etsy does not respond to our concerns.

I started to alter my main images as follows:

  • keep the rectangular form
  • see that every important detail is within the central square space and not on left or right margin areas
  • for your shop listing the image will get cropped on either side
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