Inspiration Seeker


Why can't  I send messages even can't reply to Etsy meaages

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21 Replies

Re: Messages

Are you getting an error when you're trying to send messages?

have you been sending a lot of unsolicited messages to people?

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Re: Messages

I had no idea you can't thank à person putting your items in their favorites,  what for was the letter icon then???

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Re: Messages

I thanked them when they mentioned my items in favorites,  no idea it was not OK...

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Conversation Maker

Re: Messages

Etsy has changed how messages can be used. I have seen from others that sellers can only send messages to current buyers from the order page.

Also, have you been messaging users with unwanted/spam messages? That's a sure way that Etsy will stop you from being able to message or reply to anyone, a suspension, how long for is up to Etsy.

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Re: Messages

very annoying that etsy changed the messages possibility as i always thanked people who were putting some of my creations in their favorites. we  can't even invite these people on our shop anymore and as i am not well promoted by etsy, i have no way to improve!


Laurence Markens

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Re: Messages

@MotherNatureCraft  This is one reason why Etsy made this change.  If I had anyone sending me a message in response to my favoriting their shop or a listing, I would immediately UN-favorite. That’s considered spamming here. You need to use other means to promote your shop, like social media.

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Re: Messages

@MotherNatureCraft  you can't message people that favorite your items - that is considered unsolicited spam and illegal in some countries (not sure where you are located). Etsy will disable messaging privileges when people abuse messages like that.

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Re: Messages

@MotherNatureCraft: "i always thanked people who were putting some of my creations in their favorites" Based on other posts in this forum and people's general reaction to spammers you likely lost more business than you gained with this strategy.

As others have mentioned, doing this is outright illegal almost everywhere in the world and definitely in violation of Etsy's Terms of Use.

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Re: Messages

anyone thanks me for favouriting,

I spam the message, as that is what it is,

and I go and de-favourite straight away, as I want to be off their radar for being pestered

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Re: Messages

I was absolutely unaware that you can't thank someone who put your things in their favorites,  etsy could warn instead of penalising ! I did with good intention!

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Community Maker

Re: Messages

Look for the 'from Etsy' folder on your message page. Only genuine messages from Etsy will appear in the 'from Etsy' folder. If it's not in that folder then it's not from Etsy and could be a scam. 

If you can't reply because the error says 'invalid user' (or similar) then Etsy has closed that user account - probably because they are a scammer.

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Re: Messages

@MotherNatureCraft  That's one of the reasons Etsy did this - what you were doing is considered spam.

Shoppers are Etsy's customers - they become your customers once they purchase.

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Re: Messages

i have no idea what you talk about, then why etsy was keepimg possibility to contact people?

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Re: Messages


You cannot contact anyone who favourites your items or your shop - it is spam, very annoying and also illegal because those people have not given you permission to contact them.

What you can do is set up a coupon for those who favourite and Etsy will send it to those who have signed up to receive communication from Etsy. Direct contact from you is not permitted. 

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Re: Messages

Clarifying that my response was to @MotherNature Crafts () who has a valid point here.  There is a contact button on every person that puts an item on their favorites list.  I wouldn't do it and most sellers wouldn't do it but the button is (or was) there.

I could have contacted hundreds of "potential" customers over the past 14 years but I didn't - but I could have if I had so wanted to do.

As we all know, the secret to successful selling is to advertise and when Etsy shows you who likes your stuff, it's an opportunity to push that contact button and let that person know that you are willing to sweeten the pot for them someway.

Not defending the OP but if you read the forum religiously (like I do) you will have noticed that these people are coming out of the woodwork and I would say that most of them had no idea they were doing wrong because on every favorite page there is (or was - maybe it's gone) a button to contact that admirer.

It should never have been there and hopefully it is gone and it helps stop the flow of scammers that have infested the site.

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Re: Messages

UPDATE:  It looks like the contact button is gone - the follow button is still there - at least on my favorites.

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Re: Messages

probably because nothing you are selling is allowed to be sold here

you can only sell gift boxes, if you make everything in them yourself

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Re: Messages

"c. Communication Standards

i. Messages

With Etsy's "Messages", you have the ability to communicate directly with your buyers or other Etsy members. Messages are a great way for buyers to ask you questions about an item or an order.

Messages may not be used for the following activities:

  1. Sending unsolicited advertising or promotions, requests for donations or spam;
  2. Harassing or abusing another member or violating our Anti-Discrimination Policy;
  3. Contacting someone after they have explicitly asked you not to;  
  4. Interfering with a transaction or the business of another member;
  5. Exchanging personal contact, financial or other information for the purposes of evading the checkout process on Etsy, including phone number, address, email, social media handles, external URLs, instructions for money transfer, etc."

"Repackaging or creatively curating commercial items for resale as a gift basket or set is not allowed in the Handmade category, unless it is part of a new structure (see below).

You may not group new items you did not make into a basket or set even when based on a theme, idea, or life event."

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Re: Messages

Thank you,  I had no idea that what I did was wrong

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Re: Messages

I totally understand that.  The contact button was right there with the favorites and and nothing to state that you shouldn't contact.

Human nature is such that if we are given a compliment we take advantage of it...LOL


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Re: Messages

No question of taking avantage,  in my eyes just aknowleging their appreciation.  All done with good intentions, never warned by Etsy !

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