Etsy did not award me Star Seller for July because apparently I failed to respond to one message. I checked my messages and I certainly did respond within 24 hours.
This is unfair, what can I do when Etsy makes a mistake?
aka Blackwaterleather
Spoke (chatted) to the helpline last night. The first message from the customer was a help request. They wanted to cancel the order. I replied from within messages. The two channels do not communicate with each other. In other words if a help request is received you must reply to that specifically. Not through regular messages. Dumb or what? I love the way Etsy keeps sellers so well informed about quirks in the software. Been Star Seller every month since it started, except for last month of course.
I suggested they get a new software developer but didn’t get a reply
Did you download the message history csv to see which one it says you missed?
If you go to the star seller page in shop manager and click Last Review Period you should see a link to download it in the message response rating box.
@BlackwaterLeather: As suggested, check the applicable CSV file available on your Star Seller page (previous period for July Star). When you look at the file remember that that the dates / times are in UTC (not your time zone), only the first message of a new incoming thread is included (all that counts for Star Seller), and usually a new incoming thread is not included until after the 24 hour reply window has passed regardless of when you replied. You can use the link in the file to see the actual message.
Spoke (chatted) to the helpline last night. The first message from the customer was a help request. They wanted to cancel the order. I replied from within messages. The two channels do not communicate with each other. In other words if a help request is received you must reply to that specifically. Not through regular messages. Dumb or what? I love the way Etsy keeps sellers so well informed about quirks in the software. Been Star Seller every month since it started, except for last month of course.
I suggested they get a new software developer but didn’t get a reply
Now you know for the next time. Messages sent thru refunding do not count and are not even necessary. What is necessary is that you reply to first messages, particularly help request messages, within 24 hours. They are the ones that count and always have a blue banner. Besides, as you said, the first message was a help request message - First messages always have to be answered no matter who they are from - buyer, seller or or your best friend and remember, Etsy does not read the messages so they don't know who they are from.
"What can I do when Etsy makes a mistake?"
I don't think Etsy has ever made a mistake on this aspect of the program. At least, have never heard of one.
The rules are pretty explicit.