for the last two months I have noticed my message response rate dropping all the way to 86%. I have always replied to each customer within 24hrs except 1 but that reply was within 36 hours. Not sure why my rate seems to keep dropping.
Mines off too- Downloaded the info and it doesn't match up to the response timings.... must be a fluke
Mine is wrong as well and it took off star seller. I have responded to all timely and everything else in terms of requirements is met. I'm not sure what to do because from what I can tell support can't fix it.
@FoxyDoxieDesigns: First you need to check the applicable CSV file available on your Customer Service (previous period for February 1st Star). When you look at the file remember that that the dates / times are in UTC (not your time zone), only the first message of a new incoming thread is included (all that counts for Star Seller), and usually a new incoming thread is not included until after the 24 hour reply window has passed regardless of when you replied. Star Seller stats (and the CSV file) are updated only once per day so there may be an additional day's delay. There is also a link to the actual message thread so you can verify if the data is correct or not.
Unfortunately Etsy has made it clear that they will not manually adjust Star Seller stats. However they have sometimes been able to correct errors in the underlying data and then the Star Seller stats will auto update (but not retroactively).
Mine is too - haven't checked on a computer yet. Oh well.
* Just checked, and it was 100% my fault - I read a message on my phone, but planned on responding later from my computer. I thought it would stay blue / bolded like it has in the past, and stand out as needing a response, but that changed.
I feel bad for not answering the customer, but the star - meh.
Another Etsy FAIL. In my case I got a spam message which wasn't even in my inbox. Eventually I found it 2 weeks later.
Here's a tip--DON't move the spam to your inbox or else it will ding you.
Another FAIL--if a message comes from someone who is no longer (or never was) a registered user, then it becomes impossible to reply and therefore the Seller once again gets penalised for trying to be responsive....