Inspiration Seeker

Make An Offer option not showing to customers

I have "Let buyers make offers on this listing" enabled.

When I look at an item I see "Make an offer" as an option.

My customers only see "Add to Cart"

If I turn on Incognito browsing and look at my own item, I also do not see "Make an offer" as an option.

Here is my example:

I would add some screenshots, but I don't see that as an option here

Thanks in advance for any insights provided. 

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9 Replies

Re: Make An Offer option not showing to customers

Good Morning, I went through each of your listings and I do see Make an Offer on all of them except for the Goblin King Painted Miniatures listing.  Not sure why they are not showing up in your view but the option is definitely appearing on your listings. 

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Make An Offer option not showing to customers

Thank you. Knowing that you can see it is very helpful. I had assumed it was a problem on my end of things, but now it seems it may be the customer. I am wondering if they are looking at it when not logged in. Something to investigate. Thanks again. 


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Re: Make An Offer option not showing to customers

It will be greyed out for you as you can make yourself an offer!


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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Make An Offer option not showing to customers

I appreciate your thoughts. It does not exist (not greyed out, but not there at all). 

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Re: Make An Offer option not showing to customers

@DolgansDungeons Actually, "But it Now" and "Make an Offer" Buttons will not display at all if you are looking at your own Listings. You will only see "Add to Cart".

The other 2 options are not "greyed out". They do not present at all.

I can see "Make an Offer" on all of the Listings I looked at.

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Re: Make An Offer option not showing to customers

@DolgansDungeons: "If I turn on Incognito browsing and look at my own item ..." Private / incognito mode does NOT prevent a web site from identifying you - it only hides your activity from other people using the same device. Etsy still has a pretty good idea who is looking at the page particularly if you are logged in on a different tab in the same browser,

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Make An Offer option not showing to customers

I agree with your assessment of Incognito. It does not change my issue though. 'Make an offer' shows up when I view the listing normally but when I go Incognito it is not an option at all. My customer sees the same thing. I will have to experiment to try and figure out what makes Make and offer appear or not. Thanks.

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Community Maker

Re: Make An Offer option not showing to customers

I would suggest using a different browser as Chrome seems to be glitching with Etsy lately.  I find Edge works great and allows me to make edits or do anything in my shop rather quickly with no glitching.  

The Make an Offer feature can be set up shop wide or applied to a selection of listings ... when using a selection, you have to manually add any new listings to the Make an Offer, otherwise they will not show the Make Offer badge. 

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Make An Offer option not showing to customers

Thank you to all. The customer was browsing without being logged in. When the we're not logged in they only saw Add To Cart as an option. When they logged in Make An Offer appeared. Problem resolved. 

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