Listings are NOT showing any shipping information. Anyone else see this?
While it makes sense to have to shipping cost on the product page, I don't believe there is any law requiring sellers to do that in the US. I base that opinion on the fact that the merchants I purchase supplies from never show the shipping cost until I click the cart to pay.
Ground Zero, Thank you for informing me of that Contact Option. I appreciate the clarification.
Consumers should be able to access information about delivery charges, including the amounts of those charges, as soon as they see the invitation to purchase (the product description and price). The consumer should not have to take any actions towards making a purchase (such as placing goods in a basket, providing personal information to you or setting up an account) in order to obtain full pricing information, including delivery charges.
If a consumer does have to take such actions (known as 'transactional decisions'), then the goods pricing would be considered misleading under the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008 (CPRs). See 'Consumer protection from unfair trading' for more information on these Regulations.
I just received a message from chat that admits this is not an ideal experience for buyers and their team is working on this issue. They also suggest considering including estimated shipping costs in your item descriptions to help inform buyers upfront. That's all the news that's fit to print for now.
Sure. I'm going to change all my 235 unique listings to add estimated shipping costs to multiple destinations. That's great advice they gave you.
"not an ideal experience for buyers"
I guess it's true--the sellers really don't matter.
Good to know it is a "issue" though and not a permanent change.
Well etsy, you now have me getting just one order a day since this debacle. Keep going until I'm down to zero orders a day. I'm certainly not making purchases either without knowing the shipping rate first. Neither of us are making money with this mess!
@CoastalGlamour Thanks for the update.
I wonder how many less orders Etsy are receiving today?
"They also suggest considering including estimated shipping costs in your item descriptions to help inform buyers upfront"
You have got to be pulling my wotsit Etsy. You are breaking the law and you expect me to add my shipping costs to the description of 650 listings??
@GlitteramaCrafts you could use the bulk edit description tool, that might cut down on the amount of work lol
I have NEVER seen a site create more busy work than Etsy. I already had to go in about a year ago and use a listing image for my items description, for when they play the, "hide the listing description" game. This place is getting old.
That's just nuts. Ship costs can vary greatly depending on where the item is going. A seller can't see that until a purchase is paid for. That only works if you do flat rate. Even then, a buyer probably won't see. How many buyers do you think read the entire description of every listing they may be interested in?
I am experiencing the same problem. I was shopping yesterday, couldn't find the amount I would be paying for shipping in a couple of shops so I just moved on to another task. I think its a little close to the holidays to be messing with shops.
Sadly I won't be shopping here until this is fixed. I actually had been doing a good amount of shopping on Etsy lately, what a joke!
We should all ask for free listings or delayed renewal on our items as compensation. It's the least they could do
The best way to show your displeasure over this is with your wallet.
Stop shopping here at once!
They don't deserve one more penny of your hard-earned money.
Only loss of $$$ will make Etsy see the error of their ways.
Is anyone else having this problem? When I shop for listings the “message seller” button that’s normally in the description has disappeared. The “shipping tab” has also disapearss. I can only see shipping when I add to my cart.
I think it disappeared at the same time the shipping prices disappeared, I noticed it had gone yesterday. There's a popular thread discussing the lost shipping prices here:
The missing shipping costs have threads on the forum since yesterday and Etsy are investigating this
I can confirm that the message seller button is missing on listings, but is there on the main shop page.
How to kill sales at the worst time of the year. Buyers are fickle and unlikely to spend time hunting for shipping costs. smh
The "free shipping" icon is also missing under listings, in/on search result pages.
The shipping cost is back!
It is! Hoorah...
Hello folks,
Thank you all for your reports. We deeply apologise for the frustration and confusion here. A fix has now been deployed. I'll close this up, with my best to you as always.