Inspiration Seeker

Listing update won't save


I'm having trouble with updating a listing.  It won't save my changes.  I get an error message.  It's been happening for over a week now.  I have looked everywhere to contact Etsy help via chat (I have used that before) but I cannot find it anywhere.  Everything takes me back to a general page with what I'm guessing is FAQ sections.


I've signed out, then back into my account.  I've cleared my browsing history in case that was the issue and I have rebooted my computer.  Nothing is working.

Can anyone help me find where to actually chat with someone to help me?

Thanking in advance for your assistance

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16 Replies

Re: Listing update won't save

Please refer to my Update in Technical Issues here in this forum.  It might be of help.  I am finding that I am not the only one with consistent error messages and other small glitches in running my shop.  It is a painful time!

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Listing update won't save

Thank you!

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Re: Listing update won't save

Use the old listing form while it's still available.
The edit I was trying to make wouldn't save (constant errors) until I switched back to the old form.

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Re: Listing update won't save

Hello @Adorabilities !  Thank you so very much.  Yes, Etsy Support recommended this to me, and I love hearing from you that it is working.  However, Etsy Support stated that it would be inconsistent. 

When I saw your comment in the Forum about an hour ago, I immediately went to the Old Form and tried posting.  It worked!  However, just to note, this is the first time that it has worked since I first started having trouble about 10 days ago!  

I am wondering if the amount of active users on their website is affecting this as well?  I was able to post only a few times since first reporting this problem to Support for my shop and there is a pattern of only being able to post in the morning.  I am in the EST zone, so I am planning on working with that in mind in the future.  Has anyone else seen a pattern to all this?  Maybe we can come together and figure out a way to somehow avoid wasting hours upon hours of our time!

Thank you so much for taking the time to write to let us know your experiences with listings.  

Kind wishes!

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Re: Listing update won't save

Sure hope Etsy gets this sorted out before the old form goes away!

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Conversation Maker

Re: Listing update won't save

Like the Gilded Griffin said I was having trouble using even the old form and then tried again late at night and it worked. Have been having better luck getting things to work early morning or late at night. Part of day system may be getting over loaded.

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Re: Listing update won't save

Agreed.  Certainly seems to be a possibility, no?

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Conversation Maker

Re: Listing update won't save

I think it is because from 9 to 5 EDT the programmers are trying to implement all the things management promised sellers by the 25th thus putting more strain on a system that already was working only minimally.  

This can only get worse before it gets better.

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Re: Listing update won't save

I am having trouble with the same.  Says to contact support but I can’t figure out how.   I’m updating listings and it’s throwing into draft folder without publishing. Help? 

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Re: Listing update won't save


J'ai eu cela aussi plusieurs fois la semaine dernière et en général , lorsqu'il y a ce style de problèmes , et pas de ventes , c'est qu'ETSY est en train de faire des changements .... sans prévenir ses vendeurs biensur !



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Re: Listing update won't save

Excusez-moi car mes 
compétences en français sont médiocres !
Pouvez-vous téléphoner 
à Etsy pour déposer une
plainte ? Ce sera une
documentation qu’Etsy
pourra lire!

Je suis d'accord avec

tes propos ! 

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Re: Listing update won't save

Et, merci!

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Re: Listing update won't save

C'est Super sympa de votre part , mais les personnes que l'on peut avoir au téléphone ne parlent que l'anglais ! Et moi pas ... en tous cas , pas au point de tenir une conversation avec un aspect technique ;-(


Merci quand meme 

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Re: Listing update won't save

Encore, merci!  
Seulement anglais? C'est terrible! Etsy dit qu'ils font la promotion d'une section
française « spéciale » de leur entreprise ici !
Etsy est impoli ! 

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Re: Listing update won't save

You should see a blue banner at the top of your listing or the listing page. In there, there is underlined text 'old form' that is part of the message talking about the new listing form.  

Click on that, and you'll be taken to the old form. You ought to be able to save/publish from the old form.


I had the same problem saving/publishing new or existing listings over the past couple of weeks. I spoke with Etsy customer support about this issue earlier this week, so it's been reported. I'm a little nervous, as only the new form is supposed to be available as of June 25. 

Hope this helps.

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Re: Listing update won't save

Same issue this week trying to load new listings. If I copy an existing listing and make the needed edits for the new listing, when I Save - poof it just disappears every time, over and over. If I start with just making an "Add New" listing, same thing, it disappears after I save. (I can't tell you how tired I am of recreating the same thing over and over and hoping for a better outcoming when finished - what it is they say about the definitioin of insanity! sigh!)

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