Today, I have sold a listing but it isn’t registering as sold out so still appears for sale. Only 1 item on my listing.
I have realised what has happened… the listing was due for renewal on the same day as it sold ! I think it confused the system
You must have set the quantity at more than one. Did you get charged a renewal fee?
No, only 1 🤷🏻
Did you have it on auto renew? Check your finance page.
Would it auto renew if sold ?
No, it would not auto-renew if you had it listed at a quantity of one. Auto-renew is just for multi-quantity listings.
This is a glitch that has been mentioned before. Luckily you noticed it before it was purchased again.
I don't have an answer exept to say Yes, that does happen. I had something that I only one listed and it sold twice two weeks apart. I'd ask for help from Etsy, but experience tells me that's mostly a waste of time. Double check your listings often.
@NettysNikNaksStudio Does the sale appear in your shop manager's orders section?
Yes it was ordered and despatched 🤷🏻
Yes, it was ordered and despatched 🤷🏻
@NettysNikNaksStudio It will auto renew if the qty was more than one
I have realised what has happened… the listing was due for renewal on the same day as it sold ! I think it confused the system