Is anyone else having problems uploading their listing photos this week. I am using a notepad and an Iphone 13 pro. I have tried all the suggestions to no avail. Does anyone know what is happening or a correction? Input would be appreciated as I am at a loss if this is on Etsy's end or mine. I have done thousands of listing and have never had this problem so my shop is at a stand still till I can figure out a fix. Thanks!
Are you trying to use the app? If so, can you instead log on via a web browser and see if it works that way?
Yes I am on the app. I will try a web browser.
I appreciate your suggestions- thank much- fingers crossed!
Yes, it can load on a web browser. Many thanks!
Do you think reloading the Etsy app on my Iphone would make a difference? I sure miss the convenience of adding listings while out and about.
I am very grateful for your help.
@theglassfeathernest glad it worked on the browser! I am not sure if removing the app and reinstalling would work, but it's worth a shot.
The seller app can be glitchy, and it seems the photo loading problem is happening often. I had a problem last week when adding a video - it just wouldn't go, but it worked through the browser.
Hi, I listed and uploaded photos quite a bit yesterday, with no issues *(desktop computer, Chrome, Windows 10). I didn't list anything today.
Thanks for the input.... I will give my desktop a try with Chrome.
I can't upload today. My latest listing was completed yesterday on the app and today I wanted to replace 2 photos. I deleted 2 and then tried to upload the replacements. Have not been able to all day. Using newer I phone - I ve never had a problem before - in fact I loved using the app compared to using my camera and computer. Was so easy - until today. Now my listing is missing crucial photos and I have more listings to do but am waiting for this to be resolved. Someone else posted here that they were also having challenges all week.
Have you had any luck getting this issue resolved? I am still having issues uploading from a notepad. Thanks for any updates on fixing this.
I had issues yesterday (using the app) and had to load each photo one at a time for them to "take".
Sorry to all having issues. I thought mine was resolved when I refreshed the app but today, I am having the exact same problem. I wish Etsy tech would fix this problem on the apps. I purchased a notepad so I could work on the go and the last week it is useless. This thread is marked "success" but its not really. Going back to uploading photos is a lot more work than it has to be. If there is indeed a problem with the apps, Etsy please let us know it is on YOUR end and when it might be fixed.
Is there a way to inform etsy of this technical problem?
I am going to try the one photo at a time for now. Also, I tried a new approach. Instead of starting a listing new, I copied a pre-exiting listing and had no problems adding photos listing 5 at a time. For now, I am not even worrying about videos.
All my listings are having problems. I had created duplicates using existing listings and saved them as draft. I have not tried uploading to the original listings. Before tonight i never had a problem uploading several photos at once. Now I cannot upload even one photo. How can I contact etsy about technical problems?
I am using the browser (googlechrome). Tonight I am unable to load photos in to my listings. Not sure why. The photos are within size limits of etsy. I have not uploaded photos on the app ever.
Is anyone else having this problem tonight?
I've been having the same problem for over two weeks. Even one at a time won't upload. I'm on the same device I've been using for two years. I've checked by loading my photos on other apps and have had no problem. I can't find another post that's recent about this problem except yours.
So, what's up, Etsy?