Why can I only see 191 of my over 1100 items in my store when I view my shop on the app on my phone? A while ago it was 350 or so that I could see, so it seems to fluctuate. Is this a technical issue? Or is there a limit to how many Etsy shows when people scroll through your shop?
@binguspingusart: Based on the numerous threads about your issue in this forum this appears to a glitch in the data being served to the app.
Oh really? I have noticed it for some time…I hope they fix it soon. It really sucks. Does it happen to everyone or just some stores?
Something weird is going on with the app.
In this next thread one person has 3000 items and the customer could only find one on the app and thought the shop must be closing. The shop owner was told it is something engineers are working on?
In the above thread person has a glitch associated with their auto renew on items where they have to deactivate and reactivate items in order for them to show up.
Etsy hasn't said anything about it at all. It would explain a lot about how large shops have lost a lot of business. How can you sell if only 1 of 3000 items can be seen?
Oh this is so bad…I pay listing fees for over 1100 items and only 191 is shown. That is maddening. my sales fell off a cliff all of a sudden and I guess this is why…sigh