I received 5/5 for customer reviews (and the other 4.8 months) + 100% for replies to messages. And I only got one badge, that of "enthusiastic reviews". It is not the first month ,that it happened. My shop FrenchyTrouvailles :https://www.etsy.com/fr/shop/FRENCHYTrouvailles?ref=seller-platform-mcnav
This time,I made a screenshot ,I can send to you as proof.Here we can't put any picture.
I meet the required conditions and this entitles me to a fair official recognition. I request it be rectified this month ,thank you.
You are not speaking to Etsy Admin here, just other sellers. If you want Etsy to look into it for you you will need to log a Help Desk ticket, but I wouldn't hold my breath, Etsy has stated more than once that once badges are awarded the decision cannot be changed.
As the badges for the past three months have now been awarded, it could be that you are looking at the current tab on your SS page, rather than the one just awarded.
There is 900 years to 2923,
Very soon yet to worry
Some people like to plan ahead...
Hi there
I am currently facing the same problem !I have sent some stuff to Etsy ( screenshot) and I hope things will be corrected.
@FRENCHYTrouvailles Did you make the minimum sales/ dollars in that time? In the US it is 5 sales and $300.
I think this is required to get those badges.
I don’t think so.