After weeks of dealing with this issue, FINALLY getting it resolved, it’s happening again! As far as I can tell, when you view my shop on the app, only a couple of listings are visible. And when you click on the Sections, it shows nothing! I am SO over this!
Using the PC, I can see all your listings. When using the app it says 102 items, but only 4 load and when I click on one of the 4, it will not load the 1st time, I receive a message no internet connection (yes there is) I click backup and click the same listing again then it appears with all the details.
@CryzalisMasksUK yes, and how many customers will do that? Infuriating
I never use the app, but imagine many customers do, it is important it works smoothly.
As a customer I have very little patience when something does not load as it should or quickly, so understand your frustration.
After I checked your shop in the app, I also checked mine to see if it was happening. It is showing all the listings but takes longer than I have time for as a shopper to load
Crayzalis, could you please look at my store on the app? My sales are toast.
What beautiful items! @sweetstonesjewelry
When I search your shop on the app, again it won't load the first time, when I back up and click your shop again it loads.
All your listings load, not just 4 from the 102 striking mosaic listings, SunriseMosaicsbyBeth shop is having some serious issues loading at all
What initiated this? Kinda scary
@VinntageFindss Apparently it’s an issue with the app…again!
It must be the device you are using. Is this the app? The app has always been funky for sellers.
The problem could be a combination of the app and phone or device used. Since it seems most times things are fine (because if it happened to very many you would see 100 times more complaints in the forum and there just isn't) Etsy is not going to work hard to fix if only some are affected sorry to say. THat just seems to be the way it is. And no it shouldn't be but I'm old enough to have been through this with so many other businesses and concerns that I just roll my eyes and 'mentally' walk away.
@ArtDollsbyJD I’ve already been through this with Etsy about a month ago, when there WERE 100s of complaints. It finally got fixed (took about 3 weeks) and now I just noticed it again
I just sent a link for a specific listing to a customer and when she opened the link from our message on the app, it took her to my home page that showed my shop sections at the top and then below it, that listing was the first on the page, but it showed her a bunch of other listings at the same time. It didn't just take her to THAT listing. I tested the link on a PC and it worked fine but on the app, it wouldn't go directly to it.
She sent me a screenshot to show me what she saw and then said the app has been 'acting funky' for her all morning. Nothing ever works around here! And when you have to explain to customers it's not me, it's Etsy, you still end up looking like you don't know what you're doing.
@PoochandTabby exactly!
@sweetstonesjewelry i checked your shop, from the app, and I can see all your listings… and they’re beautiful!
Thank you. I am sorry that this is happening to you.
Here is another OP with the same dilemma. She gives an update on her last post. This is nuts.
It’s good to know this because it helps explain sales or lack thereof.
I can see all of your listings, but I have an android and it does seem to be primarily an apple issue. I do wonder how much this ongoing issue is affecting sales.
@funkydreamsmosaics Well as far as MY shop goes, a lot!
@funkydreamsmosaics This was happening to me a few weeks ago. I have an Android, so it's not just an Apple issue.
This was happening to me a few weeks ago when I looked at my shop and other shops on the app. There was a thread about it. I uninstalled and reinstalled the app and that seems to have corrected the issue for me. But buyers won't know to do that. And why should they?
It's interesting to read the reviews of the app in the app store. Quite a few frustrated users.
Frustrated users do not equal happy buyers
UGH! Same issue with my shop...again! Etsy App auto filters by 'relevance' which shows zero items in sections. I have to change the filter off 'relevance' to view all items. How is that filter 'relevant' if it's not showing any listings?! Tried the log-out, uninstall, reinstall... Nothing fixed. This is ridiculous and insane.
I tried the suggestion from another thread to deactivate then reactivate my listings and that seems to have worked; my listings appear normally again. BUT I have a feeling when I check tomorrow, or in a few days, it will probably revert back to the same viewing problem.
@wallcandyprinting I fixed the issue (on my Android) by uninstalling/reinstalling the app. You fixed yours (maybe temporarily) by deactivating/reactivating listings. But of more importance is what buyers are seeing. We really have no idea how widespread this issue is.
I've been discussing this App glitch with Etsy support agents for weeks and supposedly my concern has been escalated.
It seems to be an issue with buyers who use an Apple iphone App to look at your shop.
If you have an Apple iphone, try searching on the App for all of your shop's listings. Scroll all the way through your shop to see if all of your listings on the App are showing up for buyers. You may be happily surprised or just plain appalled by your lack of visibility on the App
I sell sweaters but ONLY my simple "apron" is showing up as "relevant"!
If I select "recent" on the App's small menu, I might see my 200+ listings, but nothing under "Sections".
What buyer is going to look under "recent" to find ANY of my listings...not intuitive at all!