Hi. Every time I click on 1 of my items it doesn't show up & says page not redirecting.
I'm worried.
Thank you all for your reports, folks. We've relayed them to our team and they are investigating now. We'll update in this thread with more information as soon as possible.
Hello again, folks,
The problem has now been resolved. Our continued thanks for your reports. I'll close this up now, with my best wishes!
Same here, also not sure if related but I haven't been paid yet. The money has been released hours back but not placed into my bank account
Same here. I can't open anything
I’m the same just messaging Etsy now
mine,too;only from the front page
My item pages are not opening too
Same problem in my shop.
Yep, me too when trying to look at items in another shop
Oh gosh what a relief. Im sure they will fix it.
Mine too. Multiple browsers.
same here
I came here to look for this exact issue.
Me too. Weirdly, for me, it's only my own items. When I click on other people's items I get there no problem. Can't make sense of it, but I am glad it's not just me. Hopefully it's fixed soon.
I tried clicking on your shop but it won't come up for me. So its all of us.
Does Etsy ever post tech updates here letting us know they are working on it?
I tried clearing cache & cookies but it did nothing & since it is happening to all browsers & people it is Etsy that has to fix it. I sent them an email.
Hope they see this posting from us all.
It's the same for me now too. Went to your shop also and cannot access your items either now.
Etsy is not working on my end either. It keeps saying too many redirects.
Same here. Can't see my own and can't see other shop listings.
Yes! I'm glad it's not just me.
Ok, it looks like its just not me. I logged in and out , deleted history, and didn't work so I came to forum. Hope they fix soon!
Even better. This empty page reloads to a verification one: "We want to make sure it is actually you we are dealing with and not a robot."
Update: pages open again,
Seeing the same thing. I can go to a shop and see their home page and listings but when I click on a listing I get this page:
This page isn’t working right now
www.etsy.com redirected you too many times.