Hello sellers,
Is Pinterest working for you? I mean technically. I cannot pin anything - just buffers and goes nowhere. I'm on a laptop.
Thanks in advance!
Works great for me, try resetting your modem
Hiya Crimson Beetle,
Same for me, haven't been able to share anything to Pinterest for quite some time now. Tried re-setting whatever I could, tried different search engine connections and the problem persists. Sadly I cannot contribute a solution, only so you know you are not alone ☺️
Best regards,
Wendy Lea
Okay, I went to the dashboard and chose to pin from social media link, when I tried posting to Pinterest it would not work. However, if I went to my customer facing shop, clicked on a product, and clicked on the Pinterest icon at the top, it posted. So I think it has something to do with Pinterest and Etsy not working together now.
@GroundZeroCreations: "So I think it has something to do with Pinterest and Etsy not working together now." You may find the post by @DKVintageandBeyond https://community.etsy.com/t5/Technical-Issues/Social-Media-Posting-not-working/m-p/142790482#M78716... interesting.
@BagmakerSupply Thank you for your post. Some sellers may find that extremely helpful. I just don't work from the phone app. I do all of my work from my desktop computer.