Just curious if anyone today or has ever seen a red banner at the top of the listing page with a notice saying you have 2 or more notices of intellectual property copyright infringement at the top of the listing page? But there's nothing in my emails and my listing are all active did anyone saw this issue today. I hope it's just an error I please request etsy to check the issue and reply to our question. There's nothing in my email I think it's an error but it's scary for honest sellers.
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Usually Etsy will deactivate the listings involved. Look in your inactive file and see if there are listings YOU did not deactivate. If so, those are the ones . You need to peruse them carefully to see how you might have infringed.
You also need to check everywhere (spam folder, etc) for those emails. Etsy says they send them but sometimes they never arrive. Even if they do you will probably still have to play a guessing game if you are not sure what you did wrong.
I saw everything and special there nothing copyrighted in my listing lol all are my creations and I have rights to show them in my Gallery and Shops and portfolio as creator and artist. And not single listing was in deactivated tab and all are active perfectly fine.
@ArtyFist: You might to read the reply from @steelhipdesign on https://community.etsy.com/t5/Technical-Issues/Intellectual-property-banner/m-p/141528536#M763389
It may be a ding on a sold item. It may be your art but if you used a TMed name anywhere..even as a tag it can get you a hit. Look at your sold listings and see if there are any removals. Some anime companies are very strict about use of their IP. Once it is on the internet it is out there forever. Selling an item does not remove it from the web.
@ArtyFist Vtube, Vtuber, VTubing FYI, An applicant has filed for the trademark for "factual historical accuracy," has no intention of charging others once application is approved. Search "VTuber trademark" for applicable information. Better to be safe than sorry.
It's really helpful buddy. I saw it read he just want to hold rights factual historical accuracy, and was not against internet users or vtuber if there are using any of the terms he just wants to claim it as so in future users will know its origin where the term came from. It's obvious he won't be able to charge a one using the term.
Note also that your "Tip" listing is not Etsy legal. It is viewed as SHILLING and will be removed if reported.
YOU MAY SEE OTHER SELLERS BREAKING ETSY'S TERMS OF USE. It doesn't mean you can do it, too.
Ohh really I saw people want to t8p an artist so there are multiple shops using this type of listing but thank man I'll remove it immediately.
It was really helpful thanks buddy I never knew that. As saw artist using this on etsy so I also tried but really thanks I removed it.
Sometimes you do it without realizing as spyou saw others doing but you never new it's against etsy even if you have read all rules of its we might miss somthings and this etsg community of sellers was really helpful. Awesome man.
Here because this just happened to me too. Big red banner thats now gone. No emails (even in spam) no removed listings. SO WEIRD.
Same. no deactivated listings, no email, not in spam, not anywhere. 2 days in a row now. I sell vintage - but I have a feeling this was perhaps set off by a 1980s Nintendo game for the Colico vision that has already sold.
I had the same thing happen today...then it disappeared and there were no deactivated items and no related email. Just.Weird. I just noticed how old this thread is, but it has happened to 3 people altogether today that posted here.
Just a heads up. You will sometimes see quotes from original artists on various sites saying that they don't mind if people copy their characters or use the names. However if you follow up on that and contact the artist or their representatives to confirm, you will usually find that they are quite happy for you to make your own version of their works for personal use, but the moment you offer it for sale, it becomes a commercial product and that is a whole different story. If the characters, shows etc are Trademarked (and most of the popular ones will be), the owner must police/defend their Trademark or risk losing it. The whole point of Trademark is to prevent others from making money from their IP at their expense. If they allow some to sell copies without license, but not others, if it goes to court, they can lose the rights to the Trademark.
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