Sounds like the page didn't load correctly - this can happen on slow internet connections or if it gets interrupted. Try reloading the page (Ctrl+R).
What browser are you using? Try a different browser to see if you are seeing the same thing.
It could be a test or bug.
I use Google Chrome but on Microsoft Edge same situation .
the other sites are loading fine, except Etsy.
I cleared cookies. I turned hardware acceleration on and off. Nothing worked.
@QlettaClay I don't know then. Check the zoom??
Your shop front page looks fine to me although the banner took a while to load (Chrome on Amazon Fire viewing desktop site)
Do you see other shops the same way? If you're part of a test, all shops will look that way to you. Otherwise, probably a browser glitch.
Clear your cache files (not cookies) and refresh to get a clean version of the page.
Qletta, did you ever get it cleared? I'm having the same problem suddenly.
Is the page working for you? Mine has been messy the whole day.. But works when I use my iphone..
Mine has been this way for a week on my iPad. Works on phone
Mines the same I've lost my headers all the listings are squashed to one side and only have 3 -4 letters in
My photos look squashed ??? can anyone help as if i go on my husbands laptop my sites fine im at a loss ?????
Have you tried all the usual suggested fixed like clearing cache/cookies, rebooting , trying another browser etc? Display issues you describe are very often system specific issues vs a site issue.