For several weeks now I am constantly finding the listings priced in euros despite being in uk and altering the setting back to GDP. The save button does not appear to function. The chatbot was totally useless, just kept repeating how to alter it and showing me where to find the button, did not seem to understand that the information was not saving properly. Anyone else finding this issue, and is there a way of keeping the changes properly? It also shows as euros on the dashboard, which I also keep changing to no avail.
Double check your viewing currency.
I am in France and my shop currency when I view my shop is in UK£. I have to change it every day, sometimes a couple of times a day. It used to happen alot a couple of years ago, and went on for months, but one day it fixed itself. Now it is back again. I haven't bothered asking support, as last time it happened they gave me the same useless reply as you received. It must be another Etsy blip....
Still having to change it back to GDP several times a day.....
@GlassSlippersByJane Is this in a browser or the Etsy or Etsy Seller app?
If it's in a browser, which one is it? Have you recently installed any plugins or extensions, or changed antivirus software?
The re-setting could be caused by Etsy's cookies being deleted by something on your computer/device.
Hallo, ich hatte das vor 4 Wochen auch, bei mir war alles in Dollar.
Ich habe ewig gesucht, letztendlich war in meinem eigenen Warenkorb das Land auf USA eingegeben. Nachdem ich mein eigenes Land wieder gespeichert hatte war der Spuk vorbei.
Vielleicht hilft das auch euch
Etsy will be picking up a default from either your browser, or your device
check them out