I am at a complete loss and after 11 years find myself in a forum confused by new etsy standards? My designs and photos have yeah routinely been stolen and copied and sure we all deal with it! Sure I thought never me. Well here I am, it is me. I have reached out to ETSY with questions get a routine email saying read our creativity standards and yes ETSY I can READ and I follow the standards after 11 years and 25 years making a jewelry business and selling into big box stores oh and manufacturing jewelry in the USA I know how to not import from ALI EXPRESS and resell on your platform.
No explanation given .... my guess about 6-7 sites have stolen the image and they think I resell or the image are not mine? Any thoughts community?
I filed IP report on the link and no help .....
I sent images reached out to legal ...... no help
Trust and safety ..... yes nothing
customers service ..... live person ..... nothing sorry cannot help???
What do I do scrap a 6 figure shop and consult people on how to successfully fail on ETSY?
OH the best part 100% shipping 100% communication and 4.9 star review GONE STAR SELLER BADGE GONE!!! YES JUST LIKE THAT BYE BYE BYE
Amazing more excellent information! Thank you. Thank you so very much.
@designbayou Will anything be able to be done for money lost from these violations and listings being taken down in error? I mean one listing in 11 years had a sell thru of well over 3% and it is gone and it met criteria, I am 100%. certain.
money is being lost by you and etsy, all the time,
because the sellers on other sites stole your photos, and are using them to steal your customers and income.
Etsy can't do anything about the stolen photos, because it's your IP, but YOU can - so file those dcma's.
Wow thank you so much. I will keep this information. I know this is valuable information. I looked and anyone can sell on Walmart now.
Thank you @craftycornishmaids I will file.
@CanningCrafts, my whole process was that I contacted etsy, kept contacting them even when I got the canned replies and posted about it here. The first one was reinstated in a few days, the second time it happened, I just used that same email even though it was "closed", and it was reinstated in hours.
My items are all over the internet, posted by me and stolen from me.
@cannincrafts they will not reinstate as of yet. I am at a loss. I guess I will spend all of my time copywriting images.
you have copyright on your images, you need to issue the dcma's
We're dealing with the same thing. Currently we're deactivating listings that I'm suspecting might have stolen images out there, until I can get new pictures and replace them. Also have been trying to message Etsy to no avail. We're hoping to avoid suspension because of "violations" but since it appears to be an automated system it appears to be luck-of-the-draw whether they match something and flag us again.
12+ years, many thousands of sales, tons of revenue, and it appears none of that means anything to Etsy. Hopefully they fix this, but for many the damage is done.
@celticeternity good idea I guess I can try that too.
@celticeternity I put shop on vacation because if they suspend I assume I cannot even access the shop, correct?
I still haven't received any response from anyone at Etsy regarding my DMCA claim. I've submitted photos, opened a case, and even reached out to their legal team, but I haven’t heard anything back. Despite advice from fellow sellers to keep emailing, I’m starting to feel like this is a lost cause. Any advice?
The ETA for response varies on a case-by-case basis, and a separate team is handling the ticket you recently filed. Any further communication on the matter, if applicable, will only occur directly with you, and via email.
As support requests are handled privately, we're now closing this thread.