I just moved all items from my cart to saved for later

I just went to my home page for my shop and there all along the right side of the page were photos of all the items currently in my cart.  Since there was no way to move this off my home page I went to my cart and moved everything to save for later making it much less likely that I will EVER purchase any of those items!  Are they doing this to customers also and not just sellers?  I also can’t edit the order of my listing photos.  It won’t let me drag them into a different order or change the main photo.  They just keep making EVERYTHING more difficult and NOTHING easier!

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Re: I just moved all items from my cart to saved for later

mine just pop up and go

If you don't move it to saved for later, etsy will do it for you after about a month

that's not new, they have always done that,

which is why "item in cart" go down as well as up

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Re: I just moved all items from my cart to saved for later

That’s what mine used to do but now they’re all pictured down the right side of my home page blocking my visual of my home page for rearranging or editing purposes.  If you’re not getting that yet just wait.  Maybe I’m in a test but it’s extremely annoying and makes me not want to purchase ANYTHING that was in my cart.  Think I’ll go purchase at my other jewelry supply websites. 

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Re: I just moved all items from my cart to saved for later

I think it's a test. It is new and different to the pop up you are on about. It looks awful and throws off the alignment of my shop and makes everything look cluttered. Now I want to take all the items I was leaving to buy when I had the money out of my basket, and I may well end up just not bothering to purchase them now - nice job Etsy!

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Re: I just moved all items from my cart to saved for later

My drag for my listing photos has not been working for a week or two, maybe even 3. I’m kinda getting burned out with Etsy breaking and not getting fixed. They just don’t seem to care about the sellers even though we are their bread and butter. 

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Re: I just moved all items from my cart to saved for later


What device are you using?  I can easily drag photos to my listings and easily move around.  I'm using a browser and Windows 11

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Re: I just moved all items from my cart to saved for later

No matter what item I'm looking at in any shop, I'll always get an annoying pop out showing me the last thing I put in my cart.  I have other things in there, but the pop out isn't showing me a list of the other things.  I can X out (and have to X it out on every. single. listing. I then look at!).  Is there an X somewhere on your pop out list?  Maybe this new (more annoying) version makes the X so tiny that it's easy to miss? 

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Re: I just moved all items from my cart to saved for later

I looked but I didn’t see any way to X out of it so I had to move everything in my cart to save for later to get rid of it.

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Crafty Poster

Re: I just moved all items from my cart to saved for later

I just did the same thing; a bar of the things in my cart has appeared on the right side of the screen and there is no option to click out of it. 

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Re: I just moved all items from my cart to saved for later

I really don’t know what or if Etsy is thinking when they implement these horrific tests!  All they end up doing is hurting their sellers and by extension themselves.  Do they even have ANY actual Etsy sellers on their board who could tell them when something is a BAD idea?

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Re: I just moved all items from my cart to saved for later

The bar has also appeared on the right side of every shop and listing page on the site for me also. It seems to possibly be a test, as it goes away if I open my shop in a private browser window. It is distracting and annoying and I am unable to minimize or close it out. I also do not like all of the pop ups that follow you around the site, very annoying. The pop ups seem to be something that has been here awhile and not a test, but this sidebar thing is totally new and seems to be test.

I would like both the sidebar and the pop ups to go away as it's very intrusive in my perspective as a shopper. Every time I open a new listing page while shopping, there's the pop up to remind me about something in or about the cart. And, I wish my cart stuff would stop being moved to "saved for later" if I don't buy it right away. All these things are annoying and it doesn't seem to encourage buying. If it's bothering us it probably bothers many other shoppers on the site.

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Re: I just moved all items from my cart to saved for later


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Re: I just moved all items from my cart to saved for later

As of yesterday, the Cart side bar is now showing on my shop!  This is so annoying and distracting as a buyer and seller.  I have no doubt I/we will lose sales over this.  It also makes my listed items, and the side bar look like a cluttered mess!

I will definitely delete or save some for later and most likely end up not purchasing most of those items if any..


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Re: I just moved all items from my cart to saved for later

I am in the process of either totally removing items from my cart or saving a few items for later purchase.  This will affect sales if ETSY leaves it this way!  It makes it hard to read item descriptions with this on the side bar and pop ups on the left side... 

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Re: I just moved all items from my cart to saved for later

i have it too as of yesterday, not happy about it, it makes the page look way too busy!  I also moved everything out of my cart to save for later.  Hope this does not become permanent. 

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Conversation Maker

Re: I just moved all items from my cart to saved for later

I haven't seen this yet and hope they decide not to do it before I do see it. Sounds awful.

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Re: I just moved all items from my cart to saved for later

Is it just me or does it seem like ETSY always start these ridiculous test/changes going into what is normally our busiest time of the year!

If I was not a seller, I would totally avoid shopping on ETSY at this point, too frustrating!

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Re: I just moved all items from my cart to saved for later

@ArtDollsbyJD  I’m using safari on my iPad. Never have had a problem with it up until a few weeks ago. 

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Re: I just moved all items from my cart to saved for later

I use Safari on my ipad also and I still get all these annoying pop ups and side bars and whatever else Etsy can come up with to enrage its sellers and force us to take time away from producing and listing new items to deal with these RIDICULOUS tests!

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Re: I just moved all items from my cart to saved for later

It's one way to get people to either buy or remove.  Too many people are using it simply to hold because they no longer like favorites.  Etsy is trying to get people to decide to buy just as any other site does.  Each site has their own way of getting buyers to buy.

I think I saw the cart yesterday when I was going after some items.  I didn't pay much attention to it as I bought.  I seldom use the cart for holding any longer than 24 hours but then I can now buy from favorites. 

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Re: I just moved all items from my cart to saved for later

Well, it backfired in my case because now I won’t buy anything that was in the cart.  I put lots of items in my cart at various websites and I have NEVER had this or any other attempt to try to coerce me into buying on any other website other than Etsy.  The fact is that I will make the purchase when I’m ready to make the purchase and not before. 

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Re: I just moved all items from my cart to saved for later

I find I can not focus on my page while staring at the cart items to the right.  I have items in my cart while I wait until the weekend to see if the shop adds more before I purchase.  I need a way to shrink my cart.  It is annoying and needs to go away.  I wish Etsy would ask us before making changes like this.  Maybe if the bar was smaller and not close to the size of my pictures on my page.  Etsy please listen to us.  

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Re: I just moved all items from my cart to saved for later

The only way to make it go away is to move everything in your cart to save for later.  Sorry this is happening but Etsy doesn’t listen to its sellers

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Re: I just moved all items from my cart to saved for later

I wonder if this test is related to people not being able to open their carts at all? Several threads about getting a ‘stitch has gone away’ message when trying to make a purchase?  I haven’t been able to open my cart in 8 days!! 

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Re: I just moved all items from my cart to saved for later

It might be, but I have had no issues with accessing my cart and I have the sidebar. Same with if I start to make a purchase, it is working for me.

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