A buyer made a purchase. They then contacted me to adjust something. The message shows in the Etsy Seller App, but I cannot reply to it, nor does it show in my Etsy shop manager interface on my PC.
I will try sending a new message. However, it is unclear if my new message will count with the ever-concerning Star Status.
Thank you so much!
The situation has been resolved to my satisfaction, but of course I cannot provide any details.
Hmm, that's weird how the Message shows in the Seller App (which you can't Reply to), but it doesn't show on your PC.
ETA: I'm puzzled about this, and hope others jump in.
Is it a Help Request on the order? Answer the request from the order page and see if you can resolve the issue for your buyer. You have 48 hours once a Help Request is made before the buyer can open a case.
To follow up, I cannot message the buyer via the Etsy Shop Manager interface either. ("If this continues happening, contact Etsy.") I tried messaging someone else, and it went through.
I tried my buyer's email, but it shows as inactive, never saw that before.
Nothing happening with my chat request with help {sigh}
Now the message has disappeared altogether : o Twilight Zone, anyone?
Happy to say, I am on with a CSA.
Do do doo do...very strange.
@VintageMaineia: This almost sounds like the buyer's account has been closed.
The situation has been resolved to my satisfaction, but of course I cannot provide any details.
Blink once if it was a fraudulent purchase.
May be the order was from a scammer? It is possible your order will be refunded due to CC fraud. I would try contacting Etsy (ask for a call back) and asking about the order & message ... while they cannot tell you buyer payment info, they should be able to help answer what you can do to safeguard your SS status / seller account. Don't ship yet ... wait til you hear back from Etsy ... if need be, push the ship date out a bit.
That was my first thought.
The "scammers" disappeared for a while, thankfully!
But it does seem, judging from the recent sporadic reports of "odd" messages, that there are still "scammers" out there trying to circumvent Etsy protections. But Etsy seems to be getting onto these pretty quickly these days.