How to get more traffic and sales???

Hi! So I started my shop around a year ago, and sales are still really slow, and sometimes I get no views in a day. I've heard somewhere that you need to post at least a hundred listings before you start to see results. Is this true? And is there any other way to get more visits to my shop?

Thank you!

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Community Maker

Re: How to get more traffic and sales???

"I've heard somewhere that you need to post at least a hundred listings before you start to see results. Is this true?"

It is not true, you only need one listing to sell well, but more listings improve your visibility and potential for selling.


"And is there any other way to get more visits to my shop?"

Yes, but this discussion thread is not in the Shop Critique section, so Etsy can penalise us for mentioning anything wrong in your shop.

Read the Seller Handbook and Help Centre articles, and Etsy's Policies.



Lawrence (Clare's other half)

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Re: How to get more traffic and sales???

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Conversation Maker

Re: How to get more traffic and sales???

I have found the more listings you have, the better.  I recently opened a new shop on Etsy named after two of my special little birds (sadly no longer with me).  I have been selling on Etsy since 2010 in another shop that is presently on vacation and will be closed at some point.  Since a lot of my items are seasonal, when my listings hit the 100+ mark, sales went up.  I usually ended up with over 150 listings in the fall.  

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Re: How to get more traffic and sales???

No, the number of listings does not impact how a shop sells. When competition was smaller on Etsy having an abundance of listings could give better exposure and could assist.  Now, there are so many sellers and listings this is no longer the case.  But having a full page of listings does make a shop look better if they get visits in addition to views. 

SEO is always changing.  It's been suggested that titles be written in a type of sentence form with the strongest keywords used first.  AI can now read like a human which helps both shoppers and sellers with titles.  Repeating wording is no longer necessary and it takes away valuable space from other keywords.  The listing description should also contain keywords as Etsy's search now picks wording in this area up.  Etsy is also focusing on photo quality.  These should be clear, attractive and descriptive.   

Checking out competition can help.  Sometimes this can inspire new ideas to set a shop apart from them and make improvements.

Consumer spending on none essentials is slowing down while competition is increasing.  This doesn't mean a seller won't do well.  They can and many do.  But it is going to be more difficult to sell. Knowledge always helps with knowing how to improve a business.  As suggested above, read relevant Etsy articles.  Etsy seems to post announcements in the forums weekly.  Read these because they give clues on what's important to Etsy and what the current focus may be.  Learn about a targeted audience.  All listing information and any marketing will be written to this group.  

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Re: How to get more traffic and sales???

I completely agree with the above posters and would like to add one thing.  I do try and list items in my shop everyday, I do notice that when I stop listing for a few days, my shop gets less views and less sales.  Another thing is, Etsy is amazing at offering us free marketing advice, and it's good advice.  I try and keep up with it and do what makes sense for my business and shop, of coarse, not everything works for every shop but use your discernment and utilize any advice they might suggest that could work for you.  The marketing research we get here can be costly to hire out so this is really a great benefit.  Hope this helps a bit.  

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: How to get more traffic and sales???

Hi! So I started my shop around a year ago, and sales are still really slow, and sometimes I get no views in a day. And is there any way to get more visits to my shop?

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Community Maker

Re: How to get more traffic and sales???


This discussion thread is not in the Shop Critique section, so Etsy can penalise us for mentioning anything wrong in your shop.

It is also impolite and confusing to hijack somebody else's thread with a discussion of your shop.

Start a new discussion thread of your own in the Shop Critique forum section.



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Re: How to get more traffic and sales???

@UNIQUEWORLDGEM: As mrntioned, you will probably find more help in the and / or forums as this one is for technical issues.

But the reality of Etsy is that you need to drive your own traffic and sales so that the algorithm learns that people want what you are selling.

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