How do you reprint a label to ship? I have purchased the label but before I was able to print my computer crashed and restarted. Now the order shows as shipped, label purchased, but I still need to print it and I cant see the way to do it (Just to clarify, has been not scanned yet at the post office).
I remember that there used to be an icon next to order, something like "reprint label", cant find it? I can only see the option to buy a new label.
Many thanks!
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Go to the order in your completed orders and you will see to the right that you have an option to refund or print which is underlined. Click where it says Print and you should be able to print it again.
That used to be the place but it's recently moved. Now you go to your completed orders and up in the top right of the page select "View Purchased Labels". All of your completed orders are there, with the most recent first. Click the box with the corresponding order number and then up in the left corner click "Print Labels". I really wish they'd focus on what doesn't work instead of changing what was working just fine.
Actually if you print from a computer the label will be under your downloads on your PC. You may want to clear those out periodically since they waste space.
The "Print shipping labels" button is disables and I cannot reprint. I'm on the "Orders & Shipping" page on the "completed" tab and I checked the box for the order I want to reprint shipping labels. I already paid for this label, FedEx says it never received the package and is showing as status "Pre-transit" on Etsy and FedEx tracking show that they are waiting to receive the package.
I figure if they lost it and never recorded receiving it, then I should be able to ship my product to the customer without having to pay for another new label but it does not allow that and instead goes into the form of purchasing another label.
@fangtacstore - shop dashboard>orders and shipping>completed - upper right click "purchased labels"
Thank you. I did not see that section. I recently clicked on "refund" for the shipping label and then was going to purchase a new label, based on instructions. For that reason possibly, now the order moved into the "New" category instead of "Completed", shows the label status as "Refund pending" and does not appear in the "View purchased label" section.
@fangtacstore You originally said you wanted to reprint a purchased label. But, instead you requested a label refund. You can't do both.
Yes, that was my original intent. After posting I read on instructions that if the shipping date has past they recommend requesting a refund and creating a new shipping label with the new shipping date.
I recently had this issue. The print button would not highlight when I tried to reprint a shipping label. You can try 2 things. re-open old tabs on your computer until the shipping label comes up or go to your history and find the shipping label there. I have successfully done both things using Chrome and a Mac.
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