I used to be able to find a way in from the home page that allowed me to use the same format as I do on my large computer to edit my listings. Suddenly tonight (France time) I cannot use that format I have to edit from lists rather than seeing all the first pictures of my listings. It is an awkward way to edit so will need to do all my editing in my study on the large computer! I am hoping it is a bug that will fix but think it is probably a horrible update. Anyone else noticed this?
Exactly, this been going on for some times now. I came here to just open a tread about this. I cannot list, the new format switch to old one and by the end page gets frozen. Unable list.
I used to be able to go to home page, click on review customer service standards and a box would come up on the left with listings, draft, sold, orders etc. and they came up in the same form as a big computer. Also you could click on shop and edit listings from your shop. Now I can’t do these things. Shame. I hope your listings unfreeze soon.
Unable to list digital items, it is frozen.