Does anyone know hot to be able to see what items shoppers have in their carts? I've done it before but can't remember how I did???
Thank you in advance!
We sellers don't control whether we see how many of our items are in shopping carts. Those numbers just appear under the photos sometimes. The numbers come and go, it's not a setting that we can turn on or off. We can encourage its visibility by not running sales but we can turn anything to "on."
Thanks! I could sure use it right now to take a tally of what's trending in my's so helpful when it's there!
A bit frustrating to say the least!
It's on each listing underneath the price.
Yup...I've seen sometimes but not today...when I really need!
It's shown under the thumbnail image when browsing your shop, but I don't know how reliable it is.
I have never found it to be reliable. Not even close.
i have sold items with zero in peoples carts.
after it sold it appeared in 3 carts.
that is impossible since you cannot put sold out things in your cart.
so i agree...not reliable.
It's funny... I only see it sometimes but need today! Oye!
There is just so much space under your listings, so you will not see this if you are running a sale or have free shipping, though.
they do show if you have free shipping.
but you are right about it not showing if the items are on sale.
they will not show if you set up a promo like...
15% off when you buy 3 items... etc.
You can go incognito and click into each listing. If you click on your sold listings from your home page, they are sometimes easier to see than on the home page. Of course, if the item hasn't sold it won't be there.
I feel like in some way it's been turned off! I wish I knew what I've done before to be able to see????
It also seems to show only when the item is in 3 or more carts. I have never seen a 1 or a 2.
you can see 1 or 2 in my shop.
maybe all of the customers removed the items.
from the carts.
because of the annoying pop ups.
i know i removed everything from my cart.
my saved for later.
and my favorites.
because of the pop ups.
plus... etsy does remove them from carts.
after a certain amount of days... i think 30 days.
and then etsy puts them in saved for later.
Same - nothing stays in my cart. Even if I plan to check out in 2 minutes, it's immediately put in save for later because of the pop ups while I try to continue shopping.
I see "only 1 available and it's in (1 or more) carts" - yes, I do see that in other shops, probably never in my shop because mine are digital and always more than 1 available unless it's a custom request item.
Have always wished we could always see that too as it's far too random. If you have a sale, the sale discount replaces it.
Try looking up your shop on your phone instead of your computer to see if it shows you that way. I mean stay logged out rather than sign in or use the app.
You may find that it appears in incognito mode too. If you're unfamiliar with incognito mode, click on the three horizontal lines at the top right (on a Mac - not sure about a PC), then click on New Private Window and look up your shop that way. Then check without signing in, and if it doesn't appear, try signing in. You'll have to go through the very (yawn) lengthy sign-in verification procedure of clicking on multiple motorbikes, bicycles, fire hydrants, and busses until you can FINALLY sign in (if you don't fall asleep trying - took around 20 screens for me yesterday!), but you may find that you can see it that way.
Before doing either of those things though, I recommend deleting the cache on your computer or phone. I delete the cache on my phone daily and around once a week on my computer, so it could be that clearing your cache makes it appear. Clearing your cache can fix some of Etsy's glitches too and glitches on other websites, so I recommend doing it regularly.
Good luck!
If you are using Etsy seller app, follow these steps
1. sign in app
2. click on "more" at right
3. then click on "view shop on Etsy"
You will be able to see if your items in someones' carts.
@VanityGallery: The numbers are there at the whim of Etsy and there is nothing a seller can do to show or hide them. They are there only as a nudge for buyers. There is no proof of the accuracy of the 'in carts' count. It clearly is not shown for all listings because we have seen situations where the actual listing says 'in x carts' and the shop page shows a different number or more commonly none at all. We've also seen instances of the reverse.
I Can also see 1 in someone's cart sometime, but sometime you can't. then go to your other social media,, like pintrest and you click through there, then you can see it. weird. yes frustrating.
It is real estate issue. If you have a sale on, that takes priority. They don't keep piling on messages under the listing photo because that makes it look cramped and messy and throws out the balance of the page so buyers need to scroll more. The space under the main image on your listings will display any sale details first. If you are not running a sale or promo, then it will show the items in carts info. In other words they prioritise the info under the listing to show what is most important for potential buyers. That information is meant for them, not for you (although it can be useful to sellers too, assuming it is accurate, which it often isn't as they clear it regularly).
I see them written in red under some of my pics. I don't pay much attention. I seldom sell those because I'm busy selling other things that DON'T have anything written underneath.