For the past couple months I have not always been getting my message notifications (orange dot) so I reported to Etsy several times, I did all of the things they told me. I use the latest firefox, cleared cache, cookies but nothing works, I ALMOST missed 3 messages! Etsy sent me a "test" message; I received an Etsy email that said "test" from Ren, but they never said anything in the email so I asked them about it and got no response!!! NO notification or any message showed up on my dash from Ren!!!! Now I am looking at my downloaded messages and it says I missed a message from Ren, when I click on the link it shows a message that I sent to a customer!!! SO this month I am not a star seller because I "missed" one message that I NEVER received from Etsy! Now Etsy tells me to post here, they can't change my star seller status! I know how this will go, probably nothing will ever get fixed, my star seller status will not change.
Unfortunately when Etsy tells you to post here is is pretty much them washing their hands of you and your issue. There is nobody here who can fix your issues just other sellers. Sometimes sellers DO know the answer or work around to some issues ( more than chat operators who don't even have a shop) but we can't fix technical issues. They don't adjust SS issues even if it is a glitch or their fault. SpM that message if you can and it won't be counted in next month's totals. They won't fix it. They say they can't but I am skeptical about that but they won't/don't.
I am still waiting for Etsy to fix their mistake...ha ha! It looks like it will take me several months to recover from their test message I never received! I am at 91% and rarely get messages so it looks like they screwed me over again for next month unless I get some messages!!!!
Can anyone tell me how long it will take my shop to recover from this since Etsy will not fix the problem they created? It looks like next month my shop will be penalized again because of that Etsy test message!!!
3 months from the month they sent that test message or until you have responded to enough messages to make the etsy test message not matter.
i cannot believe they never helped you with this.
Is anything in this thread relevant?
Sure, it depends on how relevant the star seller status is. Hard to just ignore! My shop is effected for three months because of their test message I never received. It looks like next month I will be penalized again because of their test but hopefully September things will be normal again but not sure!
You might try bumping your thread on a weekday, next week. A couple of the forum mods have been popping in now and then with help.
Cant hurt:)
Those who would like to help could sender her a message every day or so to wish her luck so she could reply and boost that score.
@BluKatDesign how many messages do you think you need?
I was at 91% and it dropped to 89% now and have not received any new messages!
Regardless of what you have been told, we are a community of fellow sellers, not customer support staff. I also have a hard time with the fact you were not helped with this.
I guess they just blow me off and gave me 50 free listings instead of fixing the problem they created! I just want this fixed, I will not be a star seller again next month because of their "test" message. I am still at 91% because I rarely get messages. Etsy you are hurting the small shops that got you where you are today!
The lack of help here (Etsy not the forum) ) is amazing!!!!
@BluKatDesign : Is this test message in your CSV file? If yes, put the URL listed ([MESSAGE_ID] into your browser's address bar, and when the message opens mark it as spam.
It is blank when I download it. Etsy said they deleted it so they can't do anything about it!
Well, Etsy totally blew me off, never fixed the problem & closed the case!!! They could care less about fixing their mistakes.