Etsy does not provide the same service as before and I think it will lose many customers. Because when a store is newly opened, it should support it but now it is victimizing it. 14-day delayed payments are making it difficult for new store owners and although I sent the products, I have not received payment yet and I have completed all the processes.

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Re: Etsy is delaying payments. Can anyone who has information about this please inform me?

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"Not everyone signed up to so blindly and willingly...."

Actually, you likely did exactly that when you opened an Etsy shop and agreed to their TOU.  That is what happens to a lot of new sellers.  The hold isn't new, and it isn't hidden.  

Best of luck, hopefully Etsy will remove the hold on your shop sooner rather than later.   

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Re: Etsy is delaying payments. Can anyone who has information about this please inform me?

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 Not everyone signed up to so blindly and willingly

You did,

 you can always close your shop, if you don't want to comply with the tous you signed up to.

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Re: Etsy is delaying payments. Can anyone who has information about this please inform me?

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Count yourself lucky you are on 14 days, as a seller who has had hundred of sales with Etsy and a proven star seller track record, my new shop was set to 20 days.

Be prepared to fund your shop, Etsy fees and postage for up to a 180 Days, the balance of each pay out, in your case 14 days after sale will be paid out to you.

Make sure that you have your tracking in place or they could transfer those funds into a reserve, which means you will have a 2nd hold on your funds


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Re: Etsy is delaying payments. Can anyone who has information about this please inform me?

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Im guessing my shop is on 180 day hold. I have to guess because they dont tell me...

Ive been paid $5.29 since July...

All my orders have shipped on time(actually shipped early within 2-3 days) with tracking and delivered within 10-12 days.

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Re: Etsy is delaying payments. Can anyone who has information about this please inform me?

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Delivery is irrelevant when it comes to the hold so is everything else by the looks of it.

No one knows what this hold is, just that it is there and no one can seem to answer why or how long or show a link where it is mentioned in the terms.

Sellers have received in writing that it is now 180 business days, but no reason except that you are a new seller and the system will decide.

Well the system does not seem to accept "new" sellers are in good standing, despite hundreds of sales, reviews and star seller status, so it is anyone's guess.

I have been on Etsy for 5 years and despite my history am on a hold because I moved country and had to start a new shop because of the currency.

Maybe they should add this information to their terms so that new sellers do not get a shock when they realise that they will have to fund their shop for 9 months, it outrageous to have an additional shop which you will not promote during the busy holiday season.

I am still waiting to hear back from the small business commissioner regarding this.

Clarity, transparency and being treated the same as the next person is not much too ask for.



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Re: Etsy is delaying payments. Can anyone who has information about this please inform me?

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@CryzalisMasksUK  You would think items delivered on time and 5 star reviewed the money would release after two months.

They are not transparent about the holds for sure. I have no idea when I will be paid. They tell you nothing.

A 9 month hold is ridiculous. No selling venue holds your money that long.

Even my reserve money if off. States I have two orders in reserve yet only one is marked reserve. Its been in reserve for a over a month now.

Also states I had an off site ad sale but no sale showing under what sold with the off site ad. Its blank...

I had another shop in good standing with 1000's of sales. Sadly they dont factor that. LOL

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Etsy is delaying payments. Can anyone who has information about this please inform me?

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The purpose of etsy is clear. It is to support individuals who are not corporate. I don't think very rich corporate companies sell here anyway. I find this 14-day delay ridiculous because I think it is for people who really need money and try to support themselves with small things. etsy sacrifices its customers because it only cares about itself. etsy cannot delay payments in order not to be harmed. it cannot use its customers' money for 14 days. There are also stores that cannot receive payment even though the products are delivered after 14 days, they cannot make a plan as they wish. Because the store owner spends a certain amount of money by having the product made or made and covers the shipping fee. People are harmed by expensive products. Another solution should be found for this. etsy cannot sacrifice all its customers because everyone is harmed by a few scammers

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Re: Etsy is delaying payments. Can anyone who has information about this please inform me?

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A company, especially a new company needs to be able to financially support themselves for at least 6 - 12 months or longer.

Most new companies do not see a profit during the first 2 years due to costs and reinvestments

So 14 days or 20 days is not the issue, as this prevents scammers, which is 100% needed here.

It is lack of transparency and "who or what" dictates whether a shop pays 15 or 22  on start-up, whether a seller's funds are released after 14 or 20 days and most of all the lack of transparency regarding the time limit of the hold, 90 working days, 180 working days.

So to be on the safe side, make sure you can support your business for at least 9 months when it comes to selling on Etsy.


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Re: Etsy is delaying payments. Can anyone who has information about this please inform me?

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Your shop is a business, your business.  You need to be sure you can cover expenses in the early stage of opening your shop.  You should not be trying to run a business without startup capital sufficient for at least 6 months.  You always have more expenses when you are first starting out, and it can take a while for sales to start, and a while longer for them to reach a steady flow (if ever).  You need to have capital behind you before you open for business to cover shipping, advertising, Etsy fees etc in the early days.  You also need to understand that it is not Etsy's responsibility to make exceptions for you just because you are starting out, we were all new in the beginning.  Etsy got caught that way a few years back when covid hit, and every man and his dog decided to try their hand at making a heap of money on Etsy.  Many did well, but just as many did so at Etsy's expense.  The number of new shops that opened up, listed a bunch of items and made a bundle of sales, then took the money and ran leaving Etsy to deal with refunding the offenders' unhappy customers, was a real eye-opener.  Why should your failure to plan be Etsy's responsibility?  If you don't have funds set aside to cover the early phase of your business, you are setting yourself up for a fall.

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Re: Etsy is delaying payments. Can anyone who has information about this please inform me?

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@EmmaJewelleryCo  - 3 weeks later and this post is almost comical.  You are a part of the few that are harming everyone.  Two fresh feedbacks today.  We can only hope that etsy didn't release a dime of your money or we would be paying for your crimes.

Judging by the OP where it is mentioned that etsy has changed and is now holding funds one wonders if they ran a successful scam in the past.

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Re: Etsy is delaying payments. Can anyone who has information about this please inform me?

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It still does not explain how someone who displays that many red flags and has no history on Etsy is on a 14 day pay-out, whilst others who have had hundreds of sales and are star seller with a reem of 5 stars to match are on a 20 day pay-out


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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Etsy is delaying payments. Can anyone who has information about this please inform me?

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Good luck getting the Shills on here, to see it from this perspective. Most of them fall in line like good boys and girls.


”Obey blindly and do not question the system “. 

All while convincing themselves it’s for the betterment of the people. LMAO. 


Very sad world we live in. 

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Re: Etsy is delaying payments. Can anyone who has information about this please inform me?

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@MamoMODS you haven't actually looked at the OP's shop have you?  It's quite an eye-opener....

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Re: Etsy is delaying payments. Can anyone who has information about this please inform me?

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@Cat (it's not letting me tag you), have you looked at that commenters shop? They don't belong here either, so it's not surprising to see them write that kind of perspective. But guess it's only because I'm just another Shill that prefers shops not following the rules of the site don't get paid and are booted. 

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Re: Etsy is delaying payments. Can anyone who has information about this please inform me?

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@audreytherese yes I did! They will most likely vanish in a puff of smoke any minute.... (we can but hope)

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Re: Etsy is delaying payments. Can anyone who has information about this please inform me?

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Is your review section working? When looking to purchase, I would expect to see more than 1 review for a shop who has sold 33 items.

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Re: Etsy is delaying payments. Can anyone who has information about this please inform me?

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the answer has now become obvious 

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Re: Etsy is delaying payments. Can anyone who has information about this please inform me?

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@CryzalisMasksUK It does seem so.  

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Re: Etsy is delaying payments. Can anyone who has information about this please inform me?

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Oh my! 

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Etsy is delaying payments. Can anyone who has information about this please inform me?

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I have over 370 sales hundreds of reviews and a 20 day hold I have been battling with customer support for months with no solution have been waiting 130 days, we need to band together to get this resolved, I have $7000 on hold and they pay me just enough to pay for my shipments on new orders, they keep all the profit it’s truly heartbreaking 

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Re: Etsy is delaying payments. Can anyone who has information about this please inform me?

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As you are a relatively new seller from what I am seeing, Etsy is still being cautious...A lot of sales in short period of time=a precautionary move by Etsy. Payment holds for new sellers and especially those new sellers selling many items/high value items in a short period of time is common with most selling sites these days...the way of the world....Accept, adjust,adapt and carry on!


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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Etsy is delaying payments. Can anyone who has information about this please inform me?

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This is a turnoff for me. I’m a new seller and reviews like this not only make me want not sell on Etsy, but discourage everyone I come in contact with, to not do business on Etsy. I think I’ll take a few minutes of my time to write a short blog and inform others to steer clear. 

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Re: Etsy is delaying payments. Can anyone who has information about this please inform me?

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issue is it isnt 14 days.. all these people acting like this is a good thing i've been on all platforms 15 years and this in stupidly annoying should be 2-3 days after the customer recieves the order money in account and you go again.. i get all over seas order due the the nature of my product so i always expect a wait whilst in transit but to continue to offer product on time consistently we need to be paid on time.. 20p to list whatever on ads whatever else.. zzzz

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Re: Etsy is delaying payments. Can anyone who has information about this please inform me?

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It is a good thing. The reviews that have since come in for the OP since this post was made shows exactly why Etsy is doing what they are doing. 

And many people use scam tracking numbers, so waiting to pay the seller once the items shows as delivered can be just as problematic. 

If their holds don't work for you, then I'd focus on continuing with whatever platforms have worked for you the past 15 years. 

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Re: Etsy is delaying payments. Can anyone who has information about this please inform me?

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Most selling venues take a precautionary approach to ALL New sellers these days,  and until new sellers become established and prove they are trustworthy and that there are are no problems or issues with any transactions, those payment holds will apply. It's the way it is now in the online selling world. New sellers need to learn about this thing called  P-A-T-I-E-N-C-E!

Accept,adapt, adjust,and carry on!


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