Etsy does not provide the same service as before and I think it will lose many customers. Because when a store is newly opened, it should support it but now it is victimizing it. 14-day delayed payments are making it difficult for new store owners and although I sent the products, I have not received payment yet and I have completed all the processes.
Just seeing this is somewhat scary not gonna lie. First time seeing it like this and well usually they avoid going on the forums.
Gotta say I am surprised they are not yet booted off.
The "karma bus" may just be sbout arrive.
It occurs to me that, if any of the early Orders were the result of "schilling" (and we suspect at least one was) and if Etsy has not released any funds, then the OP will have to open a Case against themselves to get "their" money back.
@MokuMokuPens Etsy put the shop on forced vacation. That means the seller can't sell, but it allows buyers to file disputes to get their money back. In some cases, Etsy will just refund all the orders without the buyers filing a dispute. Once the disputes are all processed, Etsy closes the shop.
Did you read the terms of service before you opened your shop? With such a low rating on reviews/non-receipt of orders, etsy can hold your funds for up to 180 days.
Clearly you shop is deemed high risk.
OP says " the store owner spends a certain amount of money by having the product made" yet has no "Production Partners listed anywhere.
It doesn't cost anything to make non-existent products. The profit margin is HUGE.
14 GÜN içinde ödeme yapıyor ..tam 14 günde hesaba gönderiyor etsy .
Some new Shops report a 20 day hold. Also, a Shop may be on a Payment Account Reserve which would mean that only a portion of the funds would be relased after 14/20 days.
This OP's situation is an example a new Shop with no proven history selling high value / high risk product which may have been seen by Etsy as reason to impose a PAR or extend the "hold" time.
We can only hope that, at least in this case, the PAR and Payment Hold conditions are working exactly as Etsy planned and that all genuine Buyers have their funds returned from the OP's account. 57 items valued at approx $ 500 each is a lot for Etsy (and we as fee paying members of the Community) to fund in refunds.
$30,000 worth of sales in a very short time is a very good reason to hold a seller's funds until after reviews come in. Otherwise, any scammer who gets away with it won't stop. They will simply keep opening scam shop after scam shop, and pretty soon buyers stop trusting Etsy sellers.
I get the impression this wasn't the OP's first rodeo.
Why is the shop still open? I can’t believe Etsy has not shut her down and banned her from selling on Etsy.
@DaysLongGone The shop isn't open. Etsy put it on forced vacation a while back, and Etsy will leave it that way so buyers can file cases and will leave it until all the cases are cleared. Then Etsy will close it.
I find it so interesting this shop had a 14 day hold and Ive been paid less than $10 since July.
Now a star seller and still a hold on my funds.
This shop doesn't just have a 14 day hold right now. That hold was what the buyer had in September, shortly after they first opened, and before all the bad feedback.
The shop has been on forced vacation for a while now, and with that Etsy will hold all funds in order to refund the buyers. If Etsy wasn't holding this seller's funds, this would have been a $30,000 rip off. This is a perfect example of why Etsy now holds new seller's funds.
I know it sucks for new shops like yours, sorry.
@bradgoodell That makes sense! Thanks, Brad!
Reviews are now up to 15 with 14 reports of "non-delivery".
Shop now appears to be "taking a short break".
Etsy put this shop on forced vacation at least a couple of weeks ago, maybe more.