Etsy does not provide the same service as before and I think it will lose many customers. Because when a store is newly opened, it should support it but now it is victimizing it. 14-day delayed payments are making it difficult for new store owners and although I sent the products, I have not received payment yet and I have completed all the processes.
@Humanexposure I used to sell on Amazon, starting back in 2007. Back then, Amazon would occasionally hold funds for up to 6 months depending on a multitude of risk factors. Good thing, too. I bought an iPad from Amazon where the seller gave me a fake tracking number and never delivered.
Sorry this is upsetting to you, but all you have to do is look at the OP's feedback, and you should be able to grasp why this is a thing.
Best of luck.
The first review was an obvious fake, as the only listings this person saved were from that shop, so not sure why their account is still active
I imagine he is 'Emma'. Wonder who they stole the profile pic from...?
Not sure, but the AI missed it.
Most of us knew what the game was at the 20th sale, it is beyond my comprehension how it even got the 57
Found 18 different profiles with this picture, talk about multiple personality disorder, 18 different names and nationalities
It doesn't happen to be one of those profiles you see on Instagram where the busty lonely ladies are looking for love by randomly sending messages to complete strangers?
among others yes
Maybe because you'd had cases opened against you for not delivering the product and mailing only a list of names and addresses on it and a 2 star ranking. Etsy is likely watching you closely
oh my, talk about the proverbial bad apple.
Interesting turn of events.
All I have to add is this is exactly why Etsy implemented the "extended hold" on funds and exactly why honest new Sellers are being inconvenienced.
Looking at the "envelopes" containing the "names and addresses", the post mark is PTT "Turkiye".
What is even more unbelievable than the actions of the Seller is the fact that 57 people were willing to spend hundrreds of dollars when, even 4 weeks ago, the 2 of the 3 Reviews which had been left at that time were so damming.
If anyone still has any doubts about the "reasonableness" of Etsy's extended "hold" on funds, this case should dispel them once and for all.
Nested incorrectly - reposted below
Those reviews came after the shop was suspended on 57 sales.
Until then there was just the 1 fake review.
But it seemed off when the OP posted several weeks ago, 1 fake review and each and every listings was in 17+ carts
@CryzalisMasksUK You are right. I was so focussed on the 2 "they sent me a letter" Reviews that I did not check the dates. But all Reviews except the first have been left after 16 Oct.
I also noted the "in xx Carts" on all Listings. A lot of these have been decarted.
There were too many red flags which were obvious, why did they not pick up on it until sale 57?
I expect the reviews will come in thick and fast now
Why are their profiles and shop still active?
It looks like the reviews have started to come in, because people were waiting for their orders, or trying to get it resolved,
now they have the message it was shut - they are realising they won't ever get it resolved by the seller
I hear about scams like these all the time, but to see it up close! Is this a yoke, how is this possible?
What I wonder about is the other 53 "Orders"?
Only 4 people have claimed "non delivery".
I would have expected more.
Gives cause to question who else actually "purchased" from this Shop?
@CarpetCollectionAU Earlier today, there were only 2 negative feedback. Now there are 4. Likely the number will continue to go up as more and more of those 53 buyers realized they've been hoodwinked and ripped off.
And this is the perfect example of why Etsy puts holds on new shops.
It looks like the bulk of their orders are probably recent, since etsy put their shop on vacation mode 10/16 due to the sudden influx of orders.
I'm guessing the reviews & cases will start flooding in soon and the shop will be closed.
Two weeks ago the Shop had 33 Sales and 3 Reviews.
That means 24 Sales have occurred in the last 2 weeks.
I suppose my point is how many of these "sudden influx" Sales are "real" and how many are as "real" as the first Review left 18 September?
Unfortunately for the Buyers, I suspect @bradgoodell and @2di4jewelryoriginals are on the mark.
It will be interesting to see how this develops.
But I still shake my head at Buyers paying 100s for jewelry from a Shop with no proven history and only 3 Reviews, 2 of which were one Star for non delivery.
As they say in the movies 'there is one born every minute".
Even more unbelievable is the fact that the OP actually came to Forums to complain about Etsy's actions!!!!!
@CarpetCollectionAU As of this morning, bad feedback is up to SEVEN. I'm guessing the review window is opening and we will see more in the coming days.
Now it is up to ELEVEN.
THIRTEEN ....and still coming.