Etsy does not provide the same service as before and I think it will lose many customers. Because when a store is newly opened, it should support it but now it is victimizing it. 14-day delayed payments are making it difficult for new store owners and although I sent the products, I have not received payment yet and I have completed all the processes.
Etsy puts new shops on hold, normally 20 days, it can be longer, they let each shop know what their hold is.
If you're a new seller, your funds will generally be Available for deposit 14-20 days after a sale, though it may take longer depending on the specific standing of your shop. Etsy Payments orders may become Available for deposit the next business day depending on the specific standing of your shop.
Whilst you wait, you need to get your shop legal for selling online.
You need 30 day return policies on all listings
a gdpr (privacy) policy
and your address and e-mail address in sellers details, with the trader box ticked.
14 days isn't very long, selling on Amazon, all shops have 2-4 week hold they hold for 2weeks , and pay in 2 weeks, si it can be up to 4 weeks.
You need to work out how to cashflow your business
Etsy has the right to set their terms of use. After the huge influx of new shops opening during covid, many of which were shortlived and were either closed or abandoned, leaving unfulfilled orders and unhappy customers, it is not surprising they decided to change the way it works for new shops. Starting with a modest fee to set up a shop and then a relatively short delay before funds are released, seems to me to be a sensible solution. It also makes it just that little bit harder for scammers to feed on newbies, and in my opinion anything that helps with that is worthwhile. It is hardly victimisation.
Etsy puts new shops on hold, normally 20 days, it can be longer, they let each shop know what their hold is.
If you're a new seller, your funds will generally be Available for deposit 14-20 days after a sale, though it may take longer depending on the specific standing of your shop. Etsy Payments orders may become Available for deposit the next business day depending on the specific standing of your shop.
Whilst you wait, you need to get your shop legal for selling online.
You need 30 day return policies on all listings
a gdpr (privacy) policy
and your address and e-mail address in sellers details, with the trader box ticked.
14 days isn't very long, selling on Amazon, all shops have 2-4 week hold they hold for 2weeks , and pay in 2 weeks, si it can be up to 4 weeks.
You need to work out how to cashflow your business
It is very telling when I see those on 14 days.. it just does not make any sense
The purpose of etsy is clear. It is to support individuals who are not corporate. I don't think very rich corporate companies sell here anyway. I find this 14-day delay ridiculous because I think it is for people who really need money and try to support themselves with small things. etsy sacrifices its customers because it only cares about itself. etsy cannot delay payments in order not to be harmed. it cannot use its customers' money for 14 days. There are also stores that cannot receive payment even though the products are delivered after 14 days, they cannot make a plan as they wish. Because the store owner spends a certain amount of money by having the product made or made and covers the shipping fee. People are harmed by expensive products. Another solution should be found for this. etsy cannot sacrifice all its customers because everyone is harmed by a few scammers..
Etsy's purpose is to make money for it's shareholders,
one way to do that, is minimise risk for them.
this is what this does, very well.
They actually dont let you know how long the hold is.
Just says 'temporary hold on funds'. Its said temporary hold on funds for two months now in my shop.
I still not have been paid for orders delivered two months ago. All shipped on time with tracking.
I made sales into the first day and I’m waiting for money to be deposited. I’ve had no email to say it’s on hold or that there is a waiting period. First payment was due 14th October.. all information is correct and validated. Customer service is useless and not answering my query. For a new shop and no information it really is off putting when you’ve paid fees and spend time making pieces to sell and no payment through. How can I get my money?
@LolaAndBettyIE: Have you seen the information at ?
As an aside, having an incomplete shop (no location, about, policies, etc) will hurt you in search and may negatively affect any cases opened against you - plus it reflects poorly on you with potential buyers.
well, I really hope etsy held on to this sellers money, to refund the buyers
Etsy's service seems to be great, in this case, and as I said, they were minimising their risk - which turns out to be exactly the right thing to do.
the seller, on the other hand - well, words fail me. and those items weren't cheap
@CraftyCornishMaids My point is they dont always tell you how long the hold is.
In my shop they are not following whats stated in the policies.
This odd barley filled out shop has a '14 day hold' and Ive only been paid $5.39 since July...
All shipped on time with tracking delivered in 10-12 days.
I have an item shipped on time delivered with tracking a month ago still in reserve...
I at least prepared for the holds but they are not following policy with all shops.
Etsy tries to minimise the risk to itself, they did that with the OP, and just as well, if you look at their shop reviews,
If you are on hold, it is different from being on reserve, you need to check what it is,
Etsy will want a track record, so they can see you won't do what the OP did.
The hold/reserve will be different for different shops/sellers. depending on what etsy decides the risk factor is.
@CraftyCornishMaids Etsy should let a shop know what the deal is since they are not doing whats in the stated policy.
I have no idea when my hold will be up or when money will come off reserve because they are not following whats stated in the policy.
Im pretty much flying blind I when I will ever get paid.
It's variable, depending on the proven sellers track record
the OP's track record is not one anyone would really want ... they are the ones not following policies, or laws, or anything, not etsy
We’re exploring changes to payment schedules for new shops until they have a proven track record of sales on Etsy. These changes may affect how long new shops need to wait for their funds to become available. We’re making these updates to help ensure sellers who are just getting started can fulfill their orders or provide refunds when needed.
Really, its Etsy does whatever they want not following any of the stated policies nor informing you on when you'll be paid. I have no idea when I will ever get my money. Money for items delivered two months ago.
You think my shop is comparable to the OP? You think its fair I have not been paid for a $30 item delivered over a month ago with a 5 star review?
they are following their stated policy, their policy says they can do anything depending on the specific standing of your shop
and a proven track record
maybe they don't think your number of sales or $revenue is enough of a proven track record
we know they don't think less than $300 in sales in the last 3 months isn't enough of a proven track record for star seller
@EmmaJewelleryCo If you mean sellers (we are Etsy's customers, after all!), we have been called "churn." For each shop that closes, many new shops will open.
CCM is correct. Since Etsy's IPO more than 9 years ago, their purpose is to make money for their shareholders.
Not everyone here has been harmed by scammers; Etsy has taken steps to minimize that risk.
It sounds as though you're a new Etsy seller who probably didn't read the House Rules before opening your shop. Pretty much everything you need to know about selling on Etsy is explained there. The specific how-to's are documented elsewhere on the site (the easiest way to find these articles is to Google for "Etsy help" and then include a couple of words or a short phrase about what you're searching for).
@EmmaJewelleryCo was not and never was a seller.
The first and only review was a huge giveaway
2nd giveaway was a new shop with every listing in 20+ baskets
3rd giveaway Picture used in profile is being used by at least 18 different profiles and names on some very questionable sites
4th giveaway shop name is a name of a whole different company (not the OP's)
It should have been closed down way before the 30th sale as it had been reported several times, shocked that they were allowed to stay open to reach 57 sales.
I hope all those customers managed to receive a refund from Etsy.
Etsy has the right to set their terms of use. After the huge influx of new shops opening during covid, many of which were shortlived and were either closed or abandoned, leaving unfulfilled orders and unhappy customers, it is not surprising they decided to change the way it works for new shops. Starting with a modest fee to set up a shop and then a relatively short delay before funds are released, seems to me to be a sensible solution. It also makes it just that little bit harder for scammers to feed on newbies, and in my opinion anything that helps with that is worthwhile. It is hardly victimisation.
I’m a star seller who provides an excellent service, all my Items are posted with tracking and 90% have 5 star reviews yet still they keep my money for a month before paying me? All whilst taking fees off the cleared balance… you think that’s ok?
with illegal policies, I think it's more than fair
in fact, I believe etsy should shut shops that have illegal policies.
You need a proper GDPR policy - of course you share details, you at least have to use the address to post
more info here from etsy on how to write a legal gdpr policy - including your e-mail address,
You need a legal right to withdrawpolicy, with your specific information, on your right to withdrawpolicy
and you need your address and e-mail address in sellers details, with the trader box ticked.
With illegal policies and unfinished shop 14 day wait is not fair compared to those waiting 20 days who have complied
So punish the majority, for the faults of a few? Interesting. Now wonder our society has declined into developmental retardation.
So punish the majority, for the faults of a few? Interesting. Now wonder our society has declined into developmental retardation.
There are many things in life that punish the majority for the sins of the few. Random breath tests spring to mind. The police stop hundreds of cars and delay the drivers, all to catch a handful that may be driving under the influence. I could add those "Border Security" shows on TV, where customs staff at airports stop thousands of travellers every day, sometimes subjecting them to frisk searches and bag searches, and occasionally causing them to miss connecting flights or otherwise delaying their journey. Less than 1 in 100 are actually in breach, but it is the only way to catch that 1.
"The price of freedom is eternal vigilence." Thomas Jefferson
Ahhhh…so we’re waxing metaphor and trading ontological ideas. Not everyone signed up to so blindly and willingly, hand over their freedoms for a false sense of security though. Big difference.
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize” - Kevin Alfred Strom
“I’d rather die standing than live kneeling” - Emiliano Zapata
@MamoMODS 57 sales of $500 to $600 equals $30,000 in fraud. That was how much in fraudulent sales this shop would have cost Etsy. Multiple that by only 1000 fraudulent shops a year would cost $30 million dollars.
The choices:
I for one don't feel like a fee increase. No legit seller wants to see their fees go up to cover fraud. What we want is the fraudster not to get paid. Take away the profit, take away the fraud.
As @BootifulLabels put it, it is no different than the countless other security measures we all deal with on a daily basis.